My friend, Johanna, over at FashionJargan, shared with me a delightful new website called Hipster is the New Homeless.
You can pretty much guess what it is.
I was going to post some images from the website, but realized that I had so many of my own wonderful pictures of to chose from! I have not asked a single one of my friends below if it’s ok to use their image. Not a one. I’m not sure what they will be more offended about- me saying they look “homeless” or “hipstery”. Probably will lose some friends over this. Yep.
are those two 40’s in there or are you just happy to see me?

fuck off, this is MY hot dog
come to think of it, jesus was the first homeless hipster, wasn’t he?
no caption necessary
whaaa do you mean i pissed mmmyself?
someone come up with a caption for me, i can’t think of anything

this is what begging for change in Austin looks like

please sir….
Third from bottom caption – Wolverine before Puberty!
Second from bottom – hottie!
oh snap! the guy in the flag jacket on that site is my coworker at TOMS shoes.
the girl beggin for change makes me want to move to austin, or i just really love her sunglasses- its a toss up. and i never really thought about jesus being a hipster, i mean the man was a carpenter- how could he not love flannel?
You crack me up LM. The specimens are outstanding in your post today!
Bawhaha! This is awesome. I've seen that website before…definitely a good one to visit on a sad day.
I feel bad when I don't put change in Jesus' cup, but I know he's just going to spend it on PBR…
The guy in the wife beater:
"Told you I had to shit. Come look! You can see Mary's face! Bring a spatula and we can sell it on ebay!"
Mysterg and Ash.Lin- Isn't Emily a hottie? She doesn't think so. I told her she has some new fans though and that perked her up.
Charlene- I think we already had a Twitter conversation about this. I'm behind on commenting on my blog.
Johanna- Thanks for the recommendation. Everyone check our her site at
Laurie- I like your caption A LOT!