Monthly Archives

December 2009


What a Fool Believes

“I’m concerned”, I said to my psychiatrist as I looked down at my thumbs.
God, they’re some big ass fucking thumbs.

“I’m concerned because I’m starting to like Michael McDonald and I’m not sure what to do.”

I don’t have a therapist.
However, I did at one point.
If I still had a therapist this would be the first thing I’d say to her as I sit down for my session.

It does concern me that I no longer have the distinct urge to rip my face off and sling it against a window when I hear Michael McDonald. Even worse, sometimes you’ll find me standing on a table, very enthusiastically shouting, “No, seriously guys, even the black folks think Darryl Hall is awesome.”

I want to know what this all means. Does it signify that I’m getting old? Does the moment you go from thinking, “Quick! “Saturday in the Park” is making my ears bleed” to “Hey, don’t change the station, I kind of dig Chicago” signify the immediate transition from young person into adult? Will Peter Cetera and Bruce Hornsby(more…)


I Have a Friend Who Has a Friend That Got Crabs From Trying on Vintage Clothing

I’m looking down at my desk and there are CRUMBS EVERYWHERE!

Enjoy these photos of us wearing American Apparel’s California Select while I clean this shit up….
(P.S. you can buy all this jazz at the American Apparel store on Congress)

Emily loves Crepes Mille.

Richard loves pole.

Ben loves America. And denim. America and denim.

Lauren loves sparkles. SPARKLES, SPARKLES, SPARKLES!

Frances really loves the flavorful Italian cuisine at Botticelli’s
Ben and Lauren love awkward, subtitled conversations overlooking Manhattan (or in this case, St. Vincent de Paul’s Charity Store parking lot)

Jesus Was a Hipster

My friend, Johanna, over at FashionJargan, shared with me a delightful new website called Hipster is the New Homeless.

You can pretty much guess what it is.

I was going to post some images from the website, but realized that I had so many of my own wonderful pictures of to chose from! I have not asked a single one of my friends below if it’s ok to use their image. Not a one. I’m not sure what they will be more offended about- me saying they look “homeless” or “hipstery”. Probably will lose some friends over this. Yep.

are those two 40’s in there or are you just happy to see me?
fuck off, this is MY hot dog

come to think of it, jesus was the first homeless hipster, wasn’t he?

no caption necessary

whaaa do you mean i pissed mmmyself?
we really should have hopped that train to Santa Monica

east side 4 eva

someone come up with a caption for me, i can’t think of anything
this is what begging for change in Austin looks like

please sir….