Pop Culture

Hipster Valentine’s Day Gift Guide 2011

Last year I wrote a 2-part Hipster Valentine’s Day Gift Guide that people seemed to dig. (Pt. 1 and Pt. 2)

Well, I guess it’s that mo-fo’ing time again, so here is this year’s Hipster Valentine’s Gift Guide.


1.) I Luff You Annie Hall Print– This is the perfect gift for the significant other you’re just too socially awkward and narcissistic to actually say ‘I Love You’ to. The print, designed by Mike Oncley, is one of my favorite finds on Etsy. This is one in a series of Annie Hall prints and they’re all beautiful. $20 and $40

2.) Just Kids by Patti Smith– Cause nothing says, “Baby, I might be gay- like really gay- but you’re still my soul mate” more than Patti Smith’s Just Kids. I know this book has been out for awhile, but if your girl hasn’t read it yet, it might be time to give it to her so she can stop being in denial about why you like to shove whips up your butt. $6.98

3.) Love Letter by R. Kelly-Unfortunately significantly less dirty that R. Kelly’s previous jams, this album is the Great One’s ode to Sam Cooke, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, and Marvin Gaye. This is the perfect soundtrack for a little bumpin’ n’ grindin’ or golden shower-time. $9.99

4.) Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner T-Shirt Built By Wendy– Show your man that he’s your Gene to your Gilda with this t-shirt by Built By Wendy. Well, Gene and Gilda didn’t have the healthiest relationship and she eventually died, but we let’s romanticize nonetheless, shall we? $45

5.) Harold and Maude Paper Dolls by Little Grey Goose- These adorable paper dolls of our favorite May-December romance were created by an artisan in Austin, Texas. $24

6.) USB Mixtape– I stole this idea from a dude I dated who made me a makeshift USB mixtape. It was the best thing I got out of the relationship. Hopefully that won’t be the case for you. Make your sweetie the ultimate sign of twenty-something affection by giving her a USB mixtape. $15.99

7.) Genital-to-Hand Sanitizer– A nice little gift to give your lover for those lunch break quickies. ‘Cause nothing is more embarrassing than %!&*$ and then getting $%&#$% on your @%##%! and then having to go into a meeting. $4.99

8.) Blogger Underwear-First spotted these on The Frisky last week. Might be a great gift for her, but maybe not for you. $7.99

9.) Fuji Instax Mini Instant Camera– Are you that cute hip couple that goes on art walks together dressed up as F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald or has an apartment that was featured in Dwell last month or shops at Whole Foods while wearing matching sweaters and holding hands the entire time? Then you need this friggin’ camera so you can post obnoxiously adorable photos of yourself all over your perfectly minimalistic loft. $100

10.) Me + You Sheets from Urban Outfitters This is another gift for the Dwell/ReadyMade Magazine annoying couple up above. $34

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  • Reply AVY February 7, 2011 at 3:51 pm

    I sort of like the underwear.

  • Reply Charmalade February 7, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    I wonder how sad it is that I think some of these ideas are actually seriously legit. And did I just say legit? too legit, to quit. D:
    I was slightly cringing when I saw that RKelly was on this list… and then you said "golden shower time." OH GOD.

    btw, I've been away from this blog for too long, it's shameful. ><

    Toast with Charmalade

  • Reply MrJeffery February 7, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    awesome list! i love the paper dolls & the gilda and gene tee.

  • Reply Konrad February 7, 2011 at 5:38 pm

    I like the underwear and I LOVE the hand sanitizer. It made me laugh out loud here at work.

  • Reply Lavina February 7, 2011 at 6:55 pm

    Your blog made me laugh…. thought you may appreciate a recent post of mine.

  • Reply Hipstercrite February 7, 2011 at 7:27 pm

    @Avy- I sort of LOVE the underwear. Great way to freak someone out.

    @Charmalade! How's it going?

    @Mr Jeffrey- The Gene & Gilda tee is one of my all-time faves!

    @Konrad- HA! That hand sanitizer is CRAZY. I laughed so hard when I found it!

    @Lavina- I will check out. Thanks!

  • Reply theTsaritsa February 7, 2011 at 8:33 pm

    I LOAVE this post!! haha, and awesome, Harold and Maude paper dolls?!! Does the Harold doll come with his seppuku kit??

  • Reply Cathy Benavides February 7, 2011 at 9:55 pm

    Is it wrong of me to get the Annie Hall print for my own room? I luff me a lot…..

  • Reply Hipstercrite February 7, 2011 at 10:13 pm

    @Tsaritsa- Is that adorable? The artist did a great job!

    @Cathy- Heck no! I want to get the whole series! Did you check out the rest of the prints?

  • Reply Big Mark 243 February 8, 2011 at 12:07 am

    So if I set things up using R. Kelly, you really think I can get someone to give me a golden shower..?

    Might do the digital camera as a gift to me… I could use it…

    btw… I get the R. Kelly thing… simply do intellectually fatigued to come up with anything better…

  • Reply Adria February 8, 2011 at 2:43 am

    the annie hall print is perfect.

    i don't really do the whole "valentine's day" thing, but I'd want that. I mean, I want that.

  • Reply Elle February 10, 2011 at 5:43 am

    How mighty clever of you! What a funny list !

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