I’m going to try something new today. This was an idea I planned for the blog redesign but never got around to doing it until Randall at The Mojo Wire reminded me. Thanks, Randall!
Now that I’m a freelance writer and social media manager, I spend a lot of time reading and sharing on the internet. I come across a lot of cool stuff and I guess sharing them on Facebook and Twitter are not enough- I FEEL THE NEED TO SHARE THEM ON MY BLOG TOO!
I’ve always enjoyed Flavorwire’s daily roundup, so I thought I’d give it a try.
Please let me know your thoughts. Do you like? Not like? Should I do daily or once a week or never?
–Texts from Bennett was the hot commodity trending on Facebook today. Text messages from a 17 year-old white kid who thinks he’s a Crip never was so funny. Do you guys think it’s real?
-Do you go by the title ‘Happiness Advocate‘? What about ‘Social Media Trailblazer‘? ‘Head Cheese‘? Or how about ‘Douchebag‘? Brazen Careerist talks about the trend of cutesy and imaginative job titles these days. Maybe I’ll make my official title Blog Bitch on my business cards.
–Austin was recently named The Daily Beast’s #1 best place to start over. I can tell you from personal experience that it was the first place I traveled to when I wanted to start over and it was the best decision I ever made. I’ve been able to stretch my wings both career-wise and art-wise and make the happiness I was searching but never found in L.A.
-I don’t shop for clothing online out of fear that whatever I buy will not fit me properly and give me camel toe, but I came across an Ebay store the other day that I still can’t believe exists. It seriously might be the most adorable clothing I’ve ever seen for cheap cheap cheap. They’re called Tambukiki and based out of L.A. Boho, steampunk, girly, sleak- you name it! See that shirt up above? Less than $40. Yep.
-Did you know that Richarld Linklater, Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy are making a third Before the Sunrise of After the Sunset of Sunrising Sunset movie? Yep. This time they’re 80 years old.
I chose san diego to start over. I can’t say that I didn’t find what I was looking for, but i still sort of feel out of place, like something’s missing. I think once I got here, I was focused on leaving.
Maybe it’s not the city for you then? Or maybe it’s your age. I still don’t know if it was Austin or my age that made me at peace. I think it was both.
Thanks for the shout-out. Also, I still think this is a bang-up idea, and am glad you’re running with it again.
Thanks, Randall! Any thoughts on it? Add more stories? Once a day? Once a week? Design?
Actually, yes! Just a few, though.
I’d like to see more, just because I see you post and link to so much. I think once a week is fine, of course, but with how rapid fire content already is, and how quickly stuff moves on the internet and goes in and out of vogue, you may want to consider a couple times a week, if not more. What’s most doable for you is the most important thing, and I don’t want my lamenting the loss of Hippest Snippets [weren’t they great?] to push you to overstretch yourself.
Design, I say go for some more dynamic bullets, so each entry stands out a bit more. I love the subtle stuff too, but your site has so much going on, you want them to call attention to themselves.
Randall- thank you so much for your feedback! I really appreciate it. I agree and will edit.
I will happily play Happiness Advocate. Can I advocate we all watch me play Skyrim?
Haha. I had to look up Skyrim. How awesomely nerdy