As some of you know, last year I co-wrote and co-produced a movie! She’s called Loves Her Gun and we’re super proud of her!
If you’re new to this site and want to learn more about it, please go here.
If you’re interested in donating and getting sweet swag & your name in the credits, go here.
BUTTTTT, what I really want you to check out is our new temporary trailer below!
What do you think?
Would love your thoughts, my lovelies!
Looks good! Can’t wait to see the whole thing!
Awwww thanks, Kimberly Ann!
Ok, I promise this is a nice comment, I just can’t seem to phrase it properly – this trailer makes the movie look way, way better than the previous clips I’d seen.
Before, I wanted to see it because I like you! But now, I actually want to see it because it looks good!
I’m still struggling a little to understand the plot… does she become obsessed with the guns/shooting, or is she looking for revenge? I don’t want the summary or trailer to “give away” the movie… but I feel like I need to know a basic gist before I decide to watch a movie or not… you know?
That’s really helpful advice, thank you! We had a longer trailer that explained a little more, but after some feedback, we went with the shorter. Maybe the longer might be better?
I’m not sure… I really think just a tiny bit of well placed dialog would be good. Like, if there is any point where she says something that gives some story like “I don’t know why they did this to me, but I can’t ever be the same” Obviously, not that specifically, but with the feeling of a tiny bit of her motives for her entire plot.
It doesn’t take much.. just one sentence or one tiny moment between characters that explains just a little.
I’m sorry, this might not make sense… but I hope it does!
Good trailer
Asks the viewer a lot of questions
Doesn’t give ’em any answers
I have one question though
Was that your car?
It is! My car and her Muppet window play a part in the movie!
I agree with Ivan- I’m left a little confused in a good way. I want to know more! Mazel tov!
Thanks for watching, Amy!
Looks good! I agree with wanting to know a little bit more of the story, though. Is it a thriller or a journey? Of course it can be both, but for the trailer maybe pick one or have the transition be smoother?
Being picky NOT critical! I’m very excited to see it!
That bad guy’s mask scared me! Looks good. Note to self: don’t make the woman with the black eye angry. She can use a gun.