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ATX Safer Streets: How You Can Help a Movement to Make Austin Safer for Pedestrians


Following the news of the tragic death of Kelly (a.k.a. ATX Hipsters) this weekend, Zack Teibloom made me aware of ATX Safer Streets, a coalition of concerned citizens advocating for safer streets in Austin for pedestrians and cyclists.

You’ve probably heard a lot about ATX Safer Streets recently, and maybe you even liked their Facebook page or started following them on Twitter.

I reached out to ATX Safer Streets’ founders Sara LeVine, Joseph Boyle and Butch Dowdy to learn more about who they are and how we can help make Austin a safer place for pedestrians and cyclists.

Now is the time for us to act.


What is ATX Safer Streets?

Sara: We are three volunteers that are committed to improving the safety and livability of Austin through improved late night public transportation options, including buses, taxis and peer-to-peer driving programs and better options for overnight parking. We started with a petition on in March of 2014 and since then have gained a huge (more…)


Austin is Not a Pedestrian or Cyclist-Friendly City, and That Needs to Change

bike friendly austin
Austin is a progressive city in so many ways, but being pedestrian and cyclist-friendly are not two features the city can boast.
On Saturday, I read yet another article about a pedestrian killed by a drunk driver in Downtown Austin. I shared on Twitter that this is becoming an epidemic in our city, and that it needs to change. The next morning I woke up to discover that the pedestrian who was killed was an acquaintance of mine. Kelly, known as ATX Hipsters online, was a big supporter of bloggers, writers, musicians and social media people in Austin. He shared our blog posts, our music and our stories just because he wanted to. He always went out of his way to say hello to me, and he was a friend to many people.
While police were tending to the crash that killed Kelly, ANOTHER drunk driver crashed into that very scene (no one was killed). Kelly’s death was one of TWO pedestrian deaths on Saturday night (the other occurred in the Zilker Park area). These two deaths follow the (more…)
Austin, Pop Culture

Austin’s Moontower Comedy Festival Has So Many Boinkable Comedians This Year

Buddy Cole Kids in the Hall

Guys, I’m stoked.

The Moontower Comedy Festival just started and I got a press badge. For this blog.

How the hell that happened, I’m not sure.

All I know is that that means I can stalk write about the Kids in the Hall.

Man, I love the Kids in the Hall. I’ve written about them a disgusting amount on this blog.

They, along with Fleetwood Mac, single-handedly helped shape who I am, which is a fucking weirdo.

What are the similarities between the Kids in the Hall and Fleetwood Mac? Absolutely nothing, but my 15-year-old chubby ass loved both of them.

I wanted to be a Canadian filmmaker because of the Kids in the Hall. I spent most of my seventeenth year desperately trying to figure out how to get my very pale, very chubby ass to Toronto for film school, and no one knew how to get me there. In fact, my guidance counselor told me, “I’ve never had a student who wanted to go to Canada.”

So I gave up on my dream, friends. It died like a sad fly trapped in a car without air conditioning.

I’ve (more…)


Why We Should All Care More About Cultural Appropriation in Fashion


via Pinterest

Have you heard of StitchFix?

It’s an ingenious start-up that lets fashionistas utilize the help of “personal stylists” while shopping for clothing online. After you sign up and fill out your size and personal style details, stylists will help you select five items of clothing. This clothing, which averages around $65 a piece, is mailed to your house. Whatever clothing you don’t like, you can send back. I loved the idea and signed up for an account early on, but I did not want to utilize the service until I was able to fully understand what clothing they offered. I was curious if the company offered fair trade or American-made clothing.

A few friends shared on social media that they had tried StitchFix, and when I asked if they knew if the company offered fair trade clothing, they said they weren’t sure. I also could not readily locate this information on their website. In fact, you don’t know what kind of clothing they offer until you go through the clothing selection (more…)

Hipstercrite Life

Why I Haven’t Written on my Blog in Awhile



My blog is sad.

I barely write on her anymore.

You see, something happened.

I got a completely unexpected and wonderful writing job, and my blog has taken a back seat.

I’m sorry, blog.

I love you and I miss you.

I will try to play with you again.

The job I mentioned is at the LIVESTRONG Foundation. I am the copywriter at the HQ in Austin.

Though I am the copywriter there, it is still difficult for me to describe the amazing things the organization does.

It has changed my life.

Not only has it made me a better writer (I still get brain gas, so please don’t hold typos/grammatical errors against me), it has opened my eyes to the realities of life.

Do you know what LIVESTRONG does? I’ll be honest; I wasn’t quite sure before I started working there.

It has something to do with that cyclist guy, right?


It has always offered and will continue to offer free, life-changing services for people facing cancer.

You see, anyone affected by cancer- (more…)

Austin, Film, Pop Culture

Hey, Rick Moranis! Will You Come to Our Party?

Dear Rick Moranis,

We are throwing a party in your honor on April 27th at Wright Bros. Brew & Brew in Austin, Texas, and you are cordially invited.

I can’t afford your airfare or a hotel room, but you’re welcome to crash at our place. We have a spare bedroom with a weight machine! I can make you bowls of cereal that you can eat while you work out on our weight machine. I don’t know how to make pancakes. Sorry.

I should probably tell you what the party is about. We are screening your classic film, Strange Brew, and as the host, I’ll be discussing your filmography with the crowd. You know what would make this screening way better? You! And shrimp, but I don’t think I have the budget for that.

You are very much loved here down in Austin, Texas. And not ironically either; there are many young people who grew up with you and relate to your various nerds such as Louis Tully and Seymour Krelborn. We also relate to Bob McKenzie; Texans are kind of like Canadians. We drink a lot (more…)

Fashion/Design, Hipstercrite Life

Why Dressing Like an Oddball Could Make You More Successful


I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt like a goddamn weirdo for most of my life.

Even though I’ve grown up to be a relatively normal adult who wears normal clothing and has a normal job, I know that the eccentric, awkward child who loved to wear over-sized men’s suits in junior high is still chilling in her pinstripe slacks and loafers somewhere deep inside of me.

I never really felt out of place growing up, but occasionally the “cool kid” (translation: now a drug dealer or bartender still living in my hometown) would call me a “lesbo” and my confidence would be shaken (it’s funny how being called a “lesbo” as a kid was so “shocking”). Though I could really give a shit about what other people think, there is still a tiny piece of me that dreams of walking into my high school reunion and screaming, “Y’all are FAT!” and doing the midget-in-Twin-Peaks dance for 30 seconds before running outside.

This is why I felt slightly vindicated when I read the recent Wall Street Journal story regarding (more…)

Austin, Film, Pop Culture

20 Screenings, Panels & Conversations You Should Check Out at SXSW Film 2014

This is my third year at SXSW Film, and I’m so stoked!

This year’s lineup is great as usual, with a diverse mix of super indie, international and Hollywood talent. There is also a variety of interesting and cutting edge panels that are worth attending.

Here is my list of the top 20 films, panels and conversations to check out at this year’s fest (in no particular order).

Hope to see you there!

Only Lovers Left Alive

via MadMan

1.) Only Lovers Left Alive– JIM JARMUSCH. Do I need to say more? This Jarmuschian vampire drama stars Tilda Swinton and Todd Hiddleston, and premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2013. This is the film’s first American screening, and it will be released theatrically on April 11. Only Lovers Left Alive has received favorable reviews and the poster suggests that Tilda Swinton is channeling her The Hunger-era David Bowie. Stateside Theatre, Saturday @ 6:15PM and AMC Theatre at VCC, Wednesday at 9:45PM.

2.) What We Do in the Shadows– This film, directed by one of my favorite (more…)

Austin, Fashion/Design

Ten SXSW Fashion Trends for 2014: Geriatric Loafers, PajamaJeans and More

Do you have your SXSW outfits together yet?

If not, then look no further.

Below is my fashion guide for must-haves this year at SXSW.

Don’t be left out from the fashion blog style recaps this year!

harem pants

Harem pants are not only comfortable, they also make it really easy to hide free party food or to take a crap in when there isn’t a bathroom handy. 

via Alternative Apparel, $88

old lady shoes

These beautiful shoes by Silverts are the perfect SXSW accessory! Not only will you be comfortable, but hoards of Interactive participants might mistake you for a nurse and ask for help after their thumbs lock up from “checking in” too much. Charge $20 a visit and you’ll have extra SXSW income!

via Silverts, $19.99

fanny pack

A quintessential SXSW adornment is the fanny pack. These helpful crotch pockets are perfect for hiding one free breakfast taco in. 

via ShoeBuy, $25.99


2014 is all about texture and purple velour is the way to go!  Luckily for you, Prince is not scheduled to make an appearance at SXSW (more…)


Hipster City Travel: Buffalo, New York

Back in December, the Washington Post published a completely arbitrary list of what was in for 2014 and out for 2013. In addition to ridiculously passé things such as Russia and food stamps, Austin was also considered “out” for 2013. In its place? Buffalo, Mother-f’ing New York.

Oh, how I laughed!

How could Buffalo, New York, the city where a person’s umbilical cord freezes instantly upon exiting the womb, be the new “it” city?

Being from Upstate New York and having been to Buffalo several times as a child, I was confused by this tomfoolery. As far as I knew, Buffalo, much like where I grew up, was a sad city far past its prime. It was where dreams go to die in four feet of snow with a mask covering its frowning, pale face.

So, as punishment for erroneously poo-pooing Buffalo, the powers that be decided to strand me there over the holidays. I was traveling back to Austin by train, bus and car- ANYTHING TO AVOID THOSE FLYING DEATH TUBES!!!- and I found myself stuck for one night (more…)