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20-Something, Austin, Hipstercrite Life, Pop Culture, Travel

I’ve Angered Some People in Detroit

The weirdest thing happened the other day. The piece I wrote about what the next hipster cities will be was read by more than 45 people and my mother. In fact, in some of the towns I mentioned in the post, the article got passed around like a cheerleader in a frat house (sorry to any of you who were cheerleaders. I’m not sorry if you were in a frat).

The article predicts that Chattanooga, Tennessee, Asheville, North Carolina, Burlington, Vermont, Detroit, Michigan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Richmond, Virginia and Baltimore, Maryland will be the next hipster cities.

My article did not sit well with everyone and even prompted a few humorous articles in Detroit in where I’m lambasted for making fun of a city I’ve never been to (it’s true…though like the hipsters I mentioned in the post, I would love to go to Detroit to see all the delicious ruin porn). One article titled “Dear People Who Don’t Know Anything About Detroit, Your Jokes Are Dumb“, I particularly liked. Even Curbed Detroit (more…)

20-Something, Austin, Hipstercrite Life, Travel

What Are the New Hipsters Cities to Move To?

Sometimes it feels like there is no place more hipster-plentiful than Austin, Texas. The city has become the poster child of what young creatives and entrepreneurs are discharging into this world. When you look up the word ‘Austin’ in the thesaurus, the words, ‘old-timey facial hair,’ ‘your grandmother’s eyewear,’ ‘college degree in food carting,’ ‘bee hive hoarding’ and ‘Which Wich eating‘ appear. It’s true that there is no escaping the fauxhemian gorilla-whale that is running amok in our city.

But are other cities unscathed by the beast? Smaller, up-and-coming cities that are like how Austin was before ‘we’ showed up? Cities that hipsters can flock to now that other, older hipsters have crimped their style of being on the forefront of a burgeoning scene? The answer is yes.

Are other cities unscathed by the beast? Smaller, up-and-coming cities that are like how Austin was before ‘we’ showed up?

Forget Austin, forget Brooklyn, forget Portland, forget Silver Lake. What are the (more…)

Hipstercrite Life

Creative Block or Fodder? When Life’s Challenges Affect Your Writing

Ah, writer’s block.

You never know when it’s going to hit.

The current writer’s block that reared its ugly head last week after a homeless man tried getting into my house while I was taking a shower, was actually a long time coming.

I wish I could pin it entirely on the homeless man, but in reality, he’s maybe only 50% of the blockage traveling through my creative vein right now.

The homeless man has preoccupied my thoughts.

Though he is not a danger, at least I keep telling myself, his presence has recharged any already existing fear I’ve had living on the eastside. With my fear comes the frustration that I should not live in fear in this neighborhood I love so dearly. I try to remind myself that living in a big city comes with its “character”, but within the past year, I’ve seen more sketchy shit than I have in my entire life. When I lived in Los Angeles I was shielded from the grit and grime because I lived in an apartment. In Austin, I live in a house and I’ve never (more…)

Music, Pop Culture

Drinkify with a Splash of Mick Jagger’s Tears

Often find yourself sitting alone on the couch in your underwear crying to Purple Rain because you can’t dance like Prince- YOU’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO DANCE LIKE PRINCE!- and wondering what the hell you should get yourself loaded with? Well look no further than Drinkify, the new drink generating app for while you’re listening to your favorite artists.

There really is no ryhme or reason to the drink suggestions Drinkify offers other than that they obviously want you to get really drunk.

Here are the beverages Drinkify suggested for my favorite artists. Next to it are the drinks I think I should actually drink.

David Bowie
– 1 bottle Box of wine (this doesn’t even make any sense)
Hipsterify– 6 ounces of Vodka, 1 ounce of Dance Magic, .5 ounce of glitter and pinch of Mick Jagger’s tears.

Talking Heads-
Drinkify– 6 ounces of Vodka
Hipsterify– 10 ounces of gin, 2 ounces of Water at the Bottom of the Ocean, garnish with a photo of an inanimate object.

Warren Zevon-

Hipstercrite Life

When Life Gives You Lemons, Glue Chest Hair to Yourself

Due to an unfortunate circumstance that has preoccupied my mind these past few days (oddly it involves a deranged homeless man), I have tremendously challenging writer’s block. Last night I wrote about 100 poorly crafted words in six hours.

In the meantime, while I regain my focus, please enjoy this photo of a typical Sunday afternoon for me.

Actually, this is my Ryan Gosling character in one of our SXSW bumpers. How it looks like Ryan Gosling, I have no idea. Also, I can’t act my way out of a paper bag.


Thinking of Moving to Austin? A Pinterest Relocation Guide

I’ve been on Pinterest for a few months now. I rarely used it and it had about as much appeal to me as covering my entire body in Nair.

With it’s broadening popularity and user presence, I began noticing that people are doing some pretty creative stuff on it.

Austin ad agency GSD&M’s “SXSW Survival Guide” is a great example of how Pinterest can be so much more than just a bunch of photos of shoes or houses you’ll never be able to afford.

Inspired by this project and trying to find the best avenue for a relocation guide to Austin, I created a series of boards with popular neighborhoods in our city, neighborhoods people would want to move to. I included business, homes, the cost of living, museums etc. Often I get emails or comments from folks telling me that they’re thinking about moving here and I thought having a visual on Pinterest would be a perfect answer!

If you’re on Pinterest, you can follow me here. Please leave your username in the comments below so I can follow (more…)

Hipstercrite Life

You Are Not a Good Writer: A Lesson in Being Critiqued

So, this weekend I got my first, “you’re not a good writer” comment.


Straight into the nuts.

Sheeeeeeeiiiit that stung like a whoopee cushion exploding against your bare ass after you stuck it in your underwear.

I pouted like a little bitch about it for the next two hours. I looked to my boyfriend for child-like affirmation and even took to trusty ol’ Twitter to share my lament. Who the hell needs a psychiatrist when you have social media to tell you exactly what you want to hear?

I already emo’d about the negative comments I’ve received lately in another blog post, and you were all nice enough to write sweet comments to make me less butt hurt. I’m not writing this to fish any additional saccharine from you. I’m writing about this now because this is the first time someone has attacked my writing capabilities, and in that I realize it will be the first of many times that happens.

Because I’m fairly new to this whole freelance writing thing, I’m like a child being (more…)

Hipstercrite Life, Pop Culture

The Artistic Importance of Longing

I secretly love reading self-help articles written by people who have no formal training in telling you how to live your life.

In my scavenging for these articles on such sites like Huffington Post, The Frisky and any bubbly-logo’d site aimed towards my demographic, I occasionally come across posts condemning the act of longing. “Longing prevents us from fulfilling our dreams and moving forward in life,” they say. If we’re stuck in the past and long for people, places and things that are realistically unattainable, then we will never truly enjoy our lives.

These articles often hit home for me, because I realize that I’m a person that does indeed live in the past and not “in the now.” I long for my childhood, places I’ve lived, places I’ve never been to, my family, my friends, people that I miss. I’m constantly suspended in a perpetual state of romanticism. I also realize that all of these factors play an intricate part in my writing. They are daily inspiration and reoccurring (more…)