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20-Something, Hipstercrite Life

How To Stop Worrying

I’ve written a few times on Hipstercrite about how going freelance has improved my career confidence and has been mentally rewarding.

I’ve jokingly talked about how going freelance has made it difficult for me to remember to change my underwear or socialize with humans and not feral cats.

What I haven’t mentioned is that going freelance has amplified my anxieties and worries and at some point I’m concerned I will become agoraphobic.

This all sounds like wonderfully neurotic writer behavior but it is neither fun or helpful. It takes a lot for me to leave the house to socialize and when I do, I’m finding it increasingly difficult to pay attention or engage in conversation. I’ve mentioned this before, so I will not rehash too much. This behavior, which began before I went the freelance route and had decided to take my writing more seriously, has caused me friendships. When I started to stay home at the attempt of being more productive, it angered a few friends. One in particular (more…)

20-Something, Film, Music, Pop Culture

The Indie-Urban Existential Crisis

I’m reaching an age where it takes a lot for me to stay focused and interested in contemporary independent film and music.

I’m reaching an age where unless a film has a point or a song is originally written, displays some sort of individual talent and doesn’t sound like a band I heard back in the 60’s-90’s, I fall asleep, turn it off, or get up and leave.

This sort of behavior does not make it easy for me to go to the theater with friends or listen to music recommendations. Because of this, I’m absolutely not in the know on what is indie-urban popular, because, well, most of the time I think it’s absolute shit.

This goes against the idea of being a “hipstercrite”, I guess. I really can’t go on and on about how I hate Lana Del Rey, talk about what movies are currently hot at Sundance or manifest Ryan Gosling memes.

The alternative, the irreverent and the ironic is my bag, but lately I’m finding a lot of it forced and showing lack of skill. More often than that, I’m finding (more…)


Austin Is Changing: How Do You Feel About It?

On my CultureMap column, I’ve written a number of posts about how wonderful Austin is and how much I love this adopted city of mine. For this, I’ve received comments telling me to “go home” and that “I’m the problem with Austin’s recent changes.”

These comments make me think of a conversation I had with a waitress at relatively new neighborhood restaurant here in town. The restaurant does not stay open late and caters towards respectable diners, but that hasn’t stop a disgruntled neighbor from chasing down patrons who park in his neighborhood with a hammer.

I think it’s fair to say that some Austinites don’t like change.

The only other town where I saw physical opposition towards not just newcomers, but visitors too, was Marfa, Texas, where a man in a cowboy hat stalked us down Main Street giving us a sermon about the evil city dwellers from Austin, New York and LA.

Change can suck ass. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

I’ve been here 3 1/2 years and even I can remember (more…)

Fashion/Design, Music

Life and Style Icon of the Day- Warren Zevon

Yesterday, I asked my father, a pianist and music lover, if he was familiar with Warren Zevon’s music. Considering that Zevon was a classically-trained musician, popular in a pivotal decade of music for my father and featured piano in many of his songs, I figured he was a fan.

“Sure, I used to listen to him back in the day. Has he come out with anything new lately?”

“Dad, he’s been dead for eight years.”

“Oh, wow. Really? I guess I haven’t listened to him since “Werewolves of London”.”

After my Dad said that, I figured he never actually listened to Warren Zevon at all. “Werewolves of London” is not a song you bring up if you’re a fan.

At one point that was the only song of Warren Zevon’s that I knew as well and I kind of hated it. It was on every Halloween compilation my mother owned and it would get played over and over during the holiday. After each howl, I swore off Zevon more and more.

I spoke of Zevon a bit on my recent CultureMap post about being indie-ignorant (more…)


How Social Media and Blogging Can Help You Get a Job

As I’ve mentioned before, back in September, I went the freelance writer/social media marketing route.

It’s been such a rewarding and educational experience. To do what I want to do, finally, for the first time in my adult life has been so incredible. Going freelance has given me the confidence in knowing that I’m capable and have something to offer.

However, this time has not come without its down moments. There have been many somber times of me standing by the mailbox waiting for a check or lying awake at 3AM thinking about what kind of taxes I’m going to owe.

Luckily, the work keeps coming in- with the ebb and flow that freelance work does. Sometimes I’ll hear nothing for a few weeks, then a bunch of offers coming streaming it at once. Sometimes the offer is big, sometimes it’s little.

When thinking about the work I’ve received over this time, it dawned on me that most of my work I received through the powers of social media. Facebook, Twitter and my blog. I’m still learning (more…)


Hipstercrite Round-Up: The World is Ryan Gosling’s Runway

  • (art) Who doesn’t love recycled art? Who? WHO?! TELL ME!!! Various creative artists came up with some interesting reworkings of billboards. My favorite is the billboard swing, though it seems kind of terrifying. Like the sort of thing that you think would be a good idea to try after you had five Rumple Minze. (via WebUrbanist)
  • (lifestyle) Don’t know why this surprises me, but Texas is NOT the #1 most drunken state. Oh wait, I know why it surprises me, because EVERYONE IS DRUNK ALL OF THE TIME IN AUSTIN. Can you guess which state is the drunkest? (via Happy Place)
  • (fashion) Some dudes in Austin were featured in Conde Nast’s Menswear for their style icon-ess. I know one of the guys, but I made a promise not to talk about him, so I’m not sure exactly what I’m talking about right now. (via WWD)
  • (technology) This news came out last week, but do you know that they’re making an electric DeLorean? Like, the DeLorean needs to be anymore cool. It’s so cool, I can’t fucking (more…)

Shit Austinites Say

Taking cue from the popularity of “Shit That (insert whomever here) Says”, Austin filmmaking troupe, PossumBox, made this endearing film about the stuff that comes out of Austinites’ mouths. At first I thought this was going to be a biting portrayal of the pretentious hipster jargon that comes out of our mouths, but instead, I think we come across as kind of adorable. What do you think?

Follow these guys:

PossumBox website
PossumBox Twitter
PossumBox Facebook

Hipstercrite Life

The Winter of Wanderlust

During the holidays, we drove through West Texas and New Mexico. A trip I’ve done before and a journey I never tire of.

It had all the makings of a romantic anecdote.

Four of us were nestled in the body off an all-terrain truck. We listened to country music from the 1950s. We marveled at the thousands of wind turbines, the out-of-commission gas stations, the dead deer and the pink skyline. I drifted in and out of sleep comforted by the fact that I had slipped back into time.

Driving through West Texas and New Mexico makes you feel like you’re cool as shit. That you’re the only person brave enough to step foot into this frontier. For the duration of the drive, you entertain moving to a town called Milagro or Truth or Consequences and you know that you could be happy there. You’d grow your hair long, make art out of found desert objects and create a shrine to Georgia O’Keefe.

As we made our way into Santa Fe, I took note of the sand colored pueblo-style houses with splashes of (more…)


Hipstercrite is Lame

Lately I’ve been getting a lot more negative comments. Some on my blog and some on my column at CultureMap.

I knew this day would come and I told myself not to let it bother me. I take it as a sign that my work is reaching a broader audience, but it does sting a little considering people use harsh and less constructive language when leaving negative comments.

I came across one today on Get Off My Internets where a follower complained that I’m “super obsessed with my boyfriend”, that I’m “trying so hard to be relatable that I’m coming across as lame”, that I’m “flipping out about turning 30” and that I “overblow my life events to get more traffic-y posts”. Below that comment another person suggested that I talked about my boyfriend too much as well.

Though all these words hurt a little, it made me stop and think.

Maybe I do talk about my boyfriend a lot. For the first time in my life, I’m happy and in love. It’s gross when people talk about relationships too much, I agree, (more…)

Austin, Music

Freddie Mercury Tribute Night Means I Whip Out The Ol’ Chest Hair

ulovei is throwing a sexy tribute night to the man, Freddie Mercury.

I fell in love with the poster art. Isn’t this beautiful? Let’s just take a moment to digest how atractive this artwork is. DO IT!

If you’re into deceased amazingly flamin’ dudes with mustaches and dressing like them, like I am, then check out this Freddie Mercury tribute night next Wednesday, January 18th at the North Door 501 Brushy Street. No cover. 9PM-2AM

I will never be as pretty as Freddie Mercury, though I try and I try 🙁