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Austin Bleet-Up

I’m sure you’re all getting sick of me gushing about Austin.
Tough shit.
One of the many reasons why this town rocks is the blogging community. Not only have they welcomed me in with open arms, but they’ve also spread my name around town (good thing I haven’t slept with any of them).
Thanks to Austin Eavesdropper, I’ll finally get to put faces to the blogs this Thursday at the Austin Bleet-Up at the Mohawk. Make sure to RSVP.
For all of you folks wishin’ you lived in such a cool town, see what you’re missing! Here is a list of some of the best bloggers, scenesters, and movers and shakers in Austin.
Austin friends, who am I forgetting? I still don’t know everyone yet…
Also, if you’re an Austin blogger and we haven’t met, send me your URL.

-Austin Eavesdropper Mama blogger of Austin. If you want to know what’s going on in town, this blog is a must.
-Sailor Legs One of my new favorite Austin bloggers that I can’t wait to actually talk to (instead of shout at while both costumed).
-Party Ends(more…)

Halloween, FlipScene-Style

Well it seems that everyone and their mother has been talking about the FlipScene Halloween Bash w/ Neiliyo, Learning Secrets, Markus with a K et al. tonight at The Mohawk. I will be there snapping shots for Chrontourage, most likely dressed as this guy:

So if you see a Chuck Bass walking around with a scotch in one hand and a Canon Rebel in the other, please say hi. I can’t wait to meet some of you (only some).

Break-Dancing Pregnant Ladies and Sh*t-Flinging Hipster Chicks

Friday Oct. 2nd Day #1

8AM: Dream about Billy Ocean without really knowing what Billy Ocean looks like. Wake up slightly aroused.

8:15AM: Lay in bed listening to your 47 year-old roommate singing folk songs in the shower.

8:32AM: In the shower, notice that your razor blade is as dull as a Harrison Ford interview and decide that unshaven legs are appropriate for a day where truck loads of jobless, unshowered trust fund babies arrive into town for the Austin City Limits music festival. The #2 festival in Austin. The Frank Stallone, DeDee Pfeiffer, or Roger Clinton of South by Southwest.

8:45AM: Discover that the road from your house into town is blocked off due to the festival. Drive around for forty-five minutes, then eventually find office located only five miles away.

9:30AM: Curse the words “Austin”, “City”, and “Limits” and laugh maniacally when John Aielli informs radio listeners that it will rain all weekend.

9:31: Arrive at the office delirious and hungry. Office is vacant due to your (more…)


Andy Warhol’s 81st Birthday

You know why Austin is the coolest place that ever existed?!
Because not only do we host Twin Peaks costume parties, Michael Jackson sing-alongs, dances centered around foot fetishism, and the National Karaoke League, we celebrate Andy Warhol’s birthday a la Factory style!
The Plastic Exploding Inevitable 2009 was hosted by Massive Beacon at the Mohawk last night with a crowd close to 400 people. Edie’s Revenge played a Velvet Underground set and PJ and the Bear showed up in their Marc Bolan-fucks-a-teddy-bear regalia. The crowd was full of shoddy Andy’s (one young man/asshole wore cargo shorts, a silk vest with no shirt, and a “Grandma” wig), beautiful Edie’s, a couple of Nicos, one Candy Darling, and, me, one very sweaty, very sober Truman Capote with a camera in my hand taking photos for the Austin Chronicle Chrontourage (suit + bow-tie + suspenders + hot Texas summer night = delusions and anger).
Though the stacks of Brillo boxes did not make their planned appearance, there was silk screening (more…)

Austin Day 302 Pt. 1 (Klosterman)

This weekend was epic. It was objective. It started where it all began….

Saturday 7/25 1:01PM
…At Jo’s Coffee on South Congress. A scenester joint that never expires in people watching options. The last time I wrote in this journal, I spoke of a lone cow named Molly who daydreams about taking a road trip. It was my five second attempt at writing a children’s story. It was boring.
I have a run in my pantyhose. However, it’s only in one leg. So does that make it a run in my pantyho?
I’m trying my best to look like Deborah Harry today because I’m going to an 80’s dance party/concert this evening fronted by a blind keyboardist with a foot fetish*.
Every time I attempt to look like Deborah Harry I’m disappointed because I realize that I look nothing like Deborah Harry and no amount of red lipstick and hair bleach will change that. She has a near perfect face. I’m told I look like Sarah Jessica Parker. She has a very imbalanced face. I’m not saying she’s ugly. I’m just saying that her eyes are (more…)

Austin- Day 231 (A Love Letter)

Dear Austin,

We’ve been dating now for 231 days! 
I can’t believe it! 
Remember the day I showed up on your doorstep, a lost but eager child? My car was filled to the brim with only what I could carry. I had no job lined up, no friends to carry me through. I left behind the life I knew to take a chance on you, Austin, and it was worth it!

That day was the first time I ever laid eyes on you… and it was love at first sight.
That’s not to say there wasn’t a bumpy honeymoon. I often doubted my dedication to you, my mind was frequently tempted by my former flame, Los Angeles. L.A. would string me along, seduce me with her layered mystique and you’ve been patient with me, Austin. You’ve understood my complicated relationship with L.A. A love-hate tango that will probably never dance away. But you stuck by me and my love for you has grown stronger. Every day, you inspire me with your selfless ways and creative energy.
I’ve turned a blind eye to your flaws, just as you have to me. I forgive you for (more…)

Heaven vs. Hell

What does heaven look like to you?

I always imagined that heaven looked like a big city filled with lush trees and crystal lakes, beautiful people riding bikes and hanging out at coffee shops, music drifting through the air, art being created around every corner, and a transgendered homeless man wearing a leopard print thong parading around downtown.
For all accounts, I have reached heaven. 
Austin is heavenly.
So why do I daydream about hell so often?
Hell being Los Angeles.
I don’t imply that it’s “hell” to live in Los Angeles, I allude to the Biblical sense- fire, brimstone, lost and torched souls, all that jazz. I’m convinced that the devil lives in the basement of the Chateau Marmont. I think I saw him getting a Bloody Mary at The Body Shop strip club before it mysteriously caught on fire in December.
I’m pretty sure I’m going to hell.
Austin, I need to be saved! 
Wipe these dirty daydreams of driving down the Sunset Strip at 2AM from my memory. Take away my longing for the cool Venice Beach (more…)

Austin Day 105? I’ve Lost Track. 105 Sounds Good: It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

It’s raining and it’s supposed to freeze and they’ve made that announcement every five minutes. That is not an exaggeration.
People are even sending in pictures of tiny icicles on their cars and rooftops. I forget that I’m in Texas and these sort of things are a big deal.
Meanwhile, my mother watches as inches of snow accumilates outside her window, sighing, dreading having to wake up an hour earlier just to get properly dressed, defrost and scrape off the car, and drive five miles per hour through the back roads of Upstate NY.

It was so lovely last week. The city was full of life. I ran through Town Lake running-dancing to Sly & The Family Stone and beamed at every person who crossed my path. How can I not smile when it’s January and 80 degrees, I’m listening to one of the best bass lines in rock music (“Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin”), and my legs have the ability to run. I scavange for a coffee shop, but am dismayed to find that every single one is filled up. Every single person (more…)


Austin Day 67- This Town is Too Cool. I Can’t Deal.

A funnel thought cloud has been brewing in my brain. A thought that’s made me feel something I should have felt at fourteen. A sprinkling of insecurity, a dash of jealousy, and a whole lotta not feeling like I fit in.

Austin is cool. It’s too cool.

Now, I’m cool too. I’ve been cool because I’ve lived in not cool places (cool being extremely relative to begin with). I was the odd ball who wore horn-rimmed glasses, suspenders, and wigs and listened to David Bowie records in high school in Upstate New York. I was the girl in college who made a Frank Zappa mask for her Religion course and put quotes from “Kids in the Hall” on her dorm door. In L.A. I was the girl who, well, didn’t have fake breasts, a perpetual tan, or go to clubs.

But here in Austin, well shit, they all wear fucking horn-rimmed glasses and suspenders and love David Byrne and Frank Zappa and have perfectly pale skin and twig limbs and thick bangs and expensive bicycles and flannel shirts and witty counter-part significant others…and (more…)


Austin Day 36- It’s Halloween Weekend and All I Got Was My Hand Being Rubbed Against a Stranger’s Crotch

Living in a new city, working in retail, and having zero dollars to buy/create a costume can really take the fun out of Halloween. When most people were out partaking in the fantasy of being someone else for an evening, I was tying to explain to the 90th person that we sold out of gold wristbands and headbands because “everyone and their mother wanted to be fucking Paulie Bleeker for Halloween and you’re a FUCKING IDIOT to think that at 8PM on Halloween night we’d still have them in stock.”

For the first time in my life, I hated Halloween. I wanted the evening to end. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go out and even if I did, I really didn’t know where to go. This holiday meant so much to me and there I was, angry, uncostumed, and stomach empty of candy. I wanted to punch every Sarah Palin or Amy Winehouse that crossed my path (I’d definitely punch one of them even if it weren’t Halloween). To add insult to injury, as I locked up the store, someone shouted from a van, “Fuck you hipster!” (more…)