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20-Something, Austin, Hipstercrite Life

A Very Merry Orphan X-mas: Did You Spend the Holidays Away From Family?

I hope y’all are enjoying the holidays!

I last wrote about how butt-hurt I was that I wasn’t able to go home for the holidays and how Christmas is not the same when you’re an adult and blah blah blah.

Well I finally got past my moping when I experienced the MOST AWESOMEST ORPHAN X-MAS PARTY EVER!

My lovely friend Karinne (see beautiful hipster chick below) co-hosted an X-mas Eve shindig that brought 20 little orphans together in a festivity of fine food, libations, board games and gift-giving (my boyfriend gave Karinne an expired book of coupons from 2007, so not all the gifts were stellar).

We ate halibut with cream sauce, broccolini, brussels sprouts, kale and sweet potato salad, spinach salad and the gift that keeps on giving, Rippled Lays with french onion dip. White Russians were sipped while Risk was played (did you know that the French filmmaker behind The Red Balloon created Risk?) The warm glow of Christmas lights that hung over a merry table of jovial friends and lovers (more…)

Austin, Film, Pop Culture

Mondo’s Fresh Lord of the Rings Limited Edition Poster

Mondo, the collectible side of  Austin’s beloved Alamo Drafthouse, consistently makes kick ass posters that sell out immediately.

Well, they just released their limited edition Lord of the Rings poster in anticipation of The Hobbit and it’s still in stock!!!

Never mind, it sold out in the five minutes it took me to write this, but look how cool it is!

The poster is by artist Olly Moss.


It’s already going for 5 times as much on Ebay!

20-Something, Austin

Broke Hipster’s Guide to Saving for the Holidays

The end of the year always sucks major ass in the financial department.

Butt loads of money spent on gifts, flights home and wine for holiday parties. Yo, bottles of Yellowtail add up after awhile! For freelancers it’s even worse since work trickles to a sloth’s pace near Christmas- and not like a cute sloth that you see plastered all over Buzzfeed. More like a sloth you want to punch in its weird, dopey-eyed face.

I guess the nice thing about being broke around the holidays is that you have to get really creative with gift-giving. In order to save money you actually have to put time and energy into a gift; your parents are going to love the short story you wrote for them about how wonderful your childhood was and how you hope that you’ll be as great of a parent as they were one day.

But if short-story writing is not your thing, below is a list to get your creative money-making and money-saving juices flowing for the holiday season.

1.) Clinical trials In Austin, we have PPD (more…)

Austin, Film, Hipstercrite Life


Just a quick thank you to everyone who donated, shared or expressed interest in our film, Loves Her Gun, and our fundraising campaign.

We reached our $5,000 Indiegogo goal to finish post-production last night!

We are so touched by everyone’s support and are excited to keep you updated on any developments!

In the meantime, here are some behind the scenes photos!

Our lead actress Trieste Kelly Dun

Our lead actor Francisco Barreiro

Our lead actress Ashley Spillers

Our fearless director Geoff Marslett

Our crew taking over Wheatsville

Yes, we have mannequins in the movie

And my car stars in the movie too!

Austin, Music, Pop Culture

An Open Letter to John Aielli

via KUT Flickr page

Dear John Aielli,

A few weeks back, I saw you for the first time out in this strange and beautiful world. I was walking into the alley below UT’s School of Communication as you were shuffling out.
A smile was playing on your lips– not a smug, pretentious smile, but a smile of someone who appreciates life, the birds in the trees, the geckos on the sidewalk and the clouds above our heads.

Seeing you smile to yourself made me smile to myself– you were exactly how I pictured you (this is bordering on slightly creepy, but something makes me think you’d appreciate “borderline creepy”).

When I first arrived in Austin 4 years ago, you were the jovial “is he drunk or isn’t he?” uncle figure that welcomed me to the city with your weekday morning program “Eklektikos” on KUT.

I’ll never forget the first time I felt the uncomfortableness of your dead air and the sounds of you mispronouncing a band’s name or accidentally playing the same song over again, even though (more…)

Austin, Film, Pop Culture

Holy Crap! Here’s My Movie Trailer! Would Love Your Thoughts!

As some of you know, last year I co-wrote and co-produced a movie! She’s called Loves Her Gun and we’re super proud of her!

If you’re new to this site and want to learn more about it, please go here.

If you’re interested in donating and getting sweet swag & your name in the credits, go here.

BUTTTTT, what I really want you to check out is our new temporary trailer below!

What do you think?

Would love your thoughts, my lovelies!



Austin, Pop Culture

10 Reasons Why Austin Should Secede From Texas

As you may know, some individuals in our beloved state of Texas are petitioning to secede from the union. As of now there are over 100,000 signatures for Texas to go rogue.

Well, Austin has decided to one-up Texas and start a petition to secede from the state and join the union.

Hey, I love Texas as much as the next person, but if some of y’all are going to be a bunch of boobs, why not secede from Texas?

Below are the top ten reasons why Austin should become its own state.

And P.S., to all you Texans outside of Austin reading this, I very much love this state I live in (except for the majority of its politics) and this is all in good fun. Please don’t stone me.


10 Reasons Why Austin Should Secede From Texas

1.) We will no longer be referred to as “A blue dot in a red state”, but rather “A blue state in a red whatever the hell you are now”

2.) No longer under the tyranny of Governor Rick Perry, we can finally elect Lloyd Doggett as governor of Austin.

3.) (more…)

Austin, Fashion/Design

Top Ten Reasons I’m Excited H&M is Opening in Austin

Holy Mother of God! H&M is opening in Austin this Saturday 11/17 at The Domain.

Here are the top ten reasons why I’m so f’ing excited:

1.) Located at The Domain, we will be as far away from the “F1 people” as possible.

 2.) I can finally feel good about my tax money going towards the construction of the monstrosity known as The Domain.

3.) I can stop feeling culturally inferior to my friends in NYC and LA.

4.) Since H&M will be located closer to the Ikea in Round Rock, we can propose to the city that we have an annual “Happy Swedish Products in America Day” and take the day off to get lost in both stores.

5.) We no longer have to start hyperventilating when we come across a rare, used H&M clothing item at one of Austin’s thrift or vintage stores.

6.) With over 24,000 square feet and two stories of retail space, it will be easier for me to hide behind a row of clothing and get locked in the store overnight.

 7.) We no longer have to carry an extra empty (more…)

Austin, Fashion/Design

Winner of the Vinca Jewelry Giveaway, I Wear Chest Hair on My Face For You

Sorry for the delay in announcing the winner of the Vinca mustache jewelry giveaway!

Yesterday I was feeling just too damn lazy to record a video of myself. Yesterday I spent the day watching puppy and kitten videos.

I was kind of feeling lazy today too, so I will warn you that in this video I:

a.) Just got out of bed, therefore have no makeup on to cover up the circles of darkness under my allergy-riddled eyes

b.) Didn’t brush my teeth, but luckily you can’t smell my breath through the video

c.) Wear chest hair on my face

I do not wake up with chest hair on my face. I spirit gummed the living shit out of the chest hair and stuck it to my face. This means I will have glossy glue patches on my chin for the rest of the day, but you’re worth it.

If you’re the winner of the giveaway, please shoot me an email at laurenmodery at gmail dot com!

I wish I could give you all the gift of mustaches, but I will be having more giveaways soon! Also, Vinca’s jewelry is super affordable (more…)

Austin, Film, Hipstercrite Life, Pop Culture, Writing

Holy Crap! We Made a Movie and It’s Almost Finished!

Last year, I co-wrote and co-produced a movie called Loves Her Gun.

It still seems like a dream that the film even happened.

One day we were coming up with an idea for a movie, the next day we were shooting it. For a month.

And in that time, I don’t think I slept, took a proper bowel movement or tended to my daily needs such as personal hygiene or eating.

Filmmaking is both an exhilarating and exhausting experience.

Guerrilla filmmaking is both those things times TEN MILLION HUNDRED!

Imagine feeding a crew of 30 on no budget (sorry, guys…I’m glad you liked the cream cheese sandwiches though), housing five-ten people in your home, driving an old-school RV half-way across the country in 30 hours, experiencing a devastating wildfire that effected the lives of several of our crew members, working on a movie with your boyfriend and generally feeling like poo-poo that you can’t pay people Hollywood pay because you’re a little movie mostly funded by credit cards.

THAT (more…)