My blog used to be really boring.
Hell, it could still be boring, who knows?
Y’all just might be nice folk who don’t have the heart to tell me how much my blog bores the living shit out you.
Just like how I’m convinced that I’m mildly retarded and everyone is just too damn nice to say anything.
It’s ok, you can tell me.
Hipstercrite originally started as PlasticLA back in April of 2006.
It was a place for me to go on and on and blah blah blah about my love for Los Angeles…before the Kool-Aid wore off.
I had about ten visitors a week, and my ten visitors were actually one visitor, my first and longest supporter and good friend in Los Angeles, Chris (Chris, that script you keep telling me that I’ll write one day? That imaginary script will be dedicated to you).
Discouraged by my lack of readers and simultaneously going through a coming-of-age-esque awakening in the city whose Spanish translation means, “The Soul of Satan”, I abandoned PlasticLA in the Land (more…)