It’s all about necklaces.
Taken and gilded from the tiniest deer in the world $29
God’s (or whomever’s) greatest gift- the saltine cracker $18
Gun $140
Stabby LeBear $10
“Your Grandmother wants you to move back to Central New York. She thinks you can find a job in Syracuse or something”
“WHAT?! First of all that is crazy talk. Central New York is the most economically depressing and subsequently emotionally depressing area of the country I’ve ever seen. Secondly, I love Austin and I’ve made a great life for myself. Why does she want me to move back? Because she misses me or because she thinks I can’t take care of myself?”
“Well, we worry about you becoming a vagabond. You know….”
“We just don’t want you to become a certain 56 year-old man that we know.”
“57, Mom.”
“He’s not 57.”
“Yes, he is. He was born two years before you.”
“Well, I’ve been not married to your father more than I was married to him, so how the hell should I know?”
“Dad really enjoys his life. Yes, he’s maybe had two wives, lived in seven different states, had thirty different jobs, and thirty-five cars, and now he’s an actor in Los Angeles, but he’s happy!”
Then (more…)
Arthur Russell seems to be part of the hot, new hipster music trend right now, and understandably so.
Last night, I came across a helpful article titled, “How to Save Money the Hipster Way” on WalletPop. The author, Steven Kent, was pretty spot on with his list: “Thou shall not pay more than $20 for a show” or “Thou shall not pay more than $2 for beer” seems to ring true with every hipster.
However, I noticed a few items missing.
Here is my list on how to save money the hipster way.
How do you save?
1.) Shop at Thrift Stores– Well, duh. When I was 16 and stupid, shopping at the Salvation Army was not even a thought in my head. I wore vintage clothing, but only from the treasure troves of my mother and grandmother’s closets. Now, ten years later, I ONLY shop at thrift stores. What did I know? Nothing. My favorite thrift store in Austin is Thrift Town. It’s a southwestern chain with great specials every month. The items below I got during their 50% off sale. $2.99 for the shoes, $3.99 for the dress.
2.) Repurpose Old Clothing/Buy Accessories– When you get the urge to buy a new outfit, stop. Chances (more…)