Hipstercrite Life

Childhood Christmas vs. Adulthood Christmas


This will be my third- THIRD!– year in a row that I’m unable to travel home for the holidays.

Since I no longer work a 9-5 job with set time off (though my last 9-5 only gave me Christmas day off- yes, they were conservative Republicans), money and time make it difficult for me to travel home to New York. Neither Austin, Texas or Syracuse, New York, the cities I fly out of and into have large airports, so the cost to travel between the two can get mighty expensive. Sprinkle in the fact that me and my family (my mother and grandmother) are a bunch of neurotic weirdos (I have a fear of flying, they have a fear of driving 45 minutes away in the snow to pick me up from the airport) and the whole experience becomes more stressful than it needs to be.

None of this takes away from the harrowing guilt (we’re Jews that celebrate Christmas) I feel associated with not going home for the holidays. However, home for the holidays has taken on a different meaning these days. Going back (more…)

Fashion/Design, Pop Culture

Stylish Bicycle Helmets for the Hipster Cyclist in Your Life

Sometimes I have ideas.

One of these ideas was to make fashionable bike helmets.

I wanted to make fashionable bike helmets to a.) encourage people to actually wear helmets and b.) feel like winner while wearing a bike helmet.

Let’s face it, bike helmets aren’t the snazziest style accessory one can wear. They’re big, plasticy and make you look like a big doofus.

Since I’m not business savvy and I have no idea how to make helmets or sell them, I’ve found hip bike helmets that other people made. People who realized their dreams of making bike helmets; people who make me feel like a loser.

Yo, this is a good holiday gift for the biker in your family. Especially if you don’t want them to die.

These helmets are all really expensive, but you can’t put a price on cyclist fashion, ya know?



Yakkay, $141 (converted price)

Yakkay, $141 (converted price)

Yakkay,$150 (converted price)

Casqu En’Ville, $130 (converted price)

Casqu En’Ville, $130 (more…)

20-Something, Austin

Broke Hipster’s Guide to Saving for the Holidays

The end of the year always sucks major ass in the financial department.

Butt loads of money spent on gifts, flights home and wine for holiday parties. Yo, bottles of Yellowtail add up after awhile! For freelancers it’s even worse since work trickles to a sloth’s pace near Christmas- and not like a cute sloth that you see plastered all over Buzzfeed. More like a sloth you want to punch in its weird, dopey-eyed face.

I guess the nice thing about being broke around the holidays is that you have to get really creative with gift-giving. In order to save money you actually have to put time and energy into a gift; your parents are going to love the short story you wrote for them about how wonderful your childhood was and how you hope that you’ll be as great of a parent as they were one day.

But if short-story writing is not your thing, below is a list to get your creative money-making and money-saving juices flowing for the holiday season.

1.) Clinical trials In Austin, we have PPD (more…)

Austin, Film, Hipstercrite Life


Just a quick thank you to everyone who donated, shared or expressed interest in our film, Loves Her Gun, and our fundraising campaign.

We reached our $5,000 Indiegogo goal to finish post-production last night!

We are so touched by everyone’s support and are excited to keep you updated on any developments!

In the meantime, here are some behind the scenes photos!

Our lead actress Trieste Kelly Dun

Our lead actor Francisco Barreiro

Our lead actress Ashley Spillers

Our fearless director Geoff Marslett

Our crew taking over Wheatsville

Yes, we have mannequins in the movie

And my car stars in the movie too!

Austin, Music, Pop Culture

An Open Letter to John Aielli

via KUT Flickr page

Dear John Aielli,

A few weeks back, I saw you for the first time out in this strange and beautiful world. I was walking into the alley below UT’s School of Communication as you were shuffling out.
A smile was playing on your lips– not a smug, pretentious smile, but a smile of someone who appreciates life, the birds in the trees, the geckos on the sidewalk and the clouds above our heads.

Seeing you smile to yourself made me smile to myself– you were exactly how I pictured you (this is bordering on slightly creepy, but something makes me think you’d appreciate “borderline creepy”).

When I first arrived in Austin 4 years ago, you were the jovial “is he drunk or isn’t he?” uncle figure that welcomed me to the city with your weekday morning program “Eklektikos” on KUT.

I’ll never forget the first time I felt the uncomfortableness of your dead air and the sounds of you mispronouncing a band’s name or accidentally playing the same song over again, even though (more…)

20-Something, Hipstercrite Life

Keep Your Feelings to Yourself

As of late, I present a lighter fare to nosh on.

I’ve drifted further and further away from any complex or adverse feelings due to wanting to keep the site a happy playground full of Jeff Goldblum photos, poop jokes and jointly Jeff Goldblum photos containing poop jokes.

This need to check rain clouds at the gate coincides with my own personal progression of keeping my emotions to myself. This isn’t due to any particular person or experience in my life scaring me into not sharing my thoughts (though I have a grandmother who stifles her emotions to the point where they manifest into random outbursts of directionless anger and a former, life-changing boss who often told me I acted too much “like a girl” and that I should stop it), but by the fact that I became sick of hearing myself whine, lament, sob and complain as an early twenty-something and have become increasingly annoyed by others who do the same thing (mostly the whining part). This act of personal defiance is not necessarily (more…)

Austin, Film, Pop Culture

Holy Crap! Here’s My Movie Trailer! Would Love Your Thoughts!

As some of you know, last year I co-wrote and co-produced a movie! She’s called Loves Her Gun and we’re super proud of her!

If you’re new to this site and want to learn more about it, please go here.

If you’re interested in donating and getting sweet swag & your name in the credits, go here.

BUTTTTT, what I really want you to check out is our new temporary trailer below!

What do you think?

Would love your thoughts, my lovelies!



Pop Culture, Writing

An Open Letter to People Who Flip Off Cameras



Dear People Who Flip Off  Cameras,

I originally wrote “Dear Douchebags” in my salutation, but didn’t want to seem so bitter. However, that is what you indeed look like, a douchebag, when you flip off the camera.

I’m writing to you today because after viewing the 100th photo of one of your kind flipping off the camera for NO APPARENT REASON on my Facebook feed yesterday, something in me snapped: I began deleting your kind from my friend list. It takes a lot for me to de-friend someone (the only other people I delete are the ones who post about Jesus, IN CAPS, every ten minutes- do you want to fall into the same category as them?), but I got so tired of being flipped off for shits and giggles that I decided to remove any trace of your unnecessary sign language from my vision. Now, of course, because you are the sort of person who likes to flip off the camera, and likes to show the world that you have a laissez-faire attitude towards life, you would respond to my previous (more…)

Hipstercrite Life

What I’m Thankful For: Jeff Goldblum’s Hands, Magic Eraser & Denny’s

1.) I am thankful for Jeff Goldblum’s hands. Those hands touched my nose once. They also probably touched 4 million vaginas and the thought of 4 million vaginas touching my nose is scary, but I’m still thankful for his hands.

2.) I am thankful for David Bowie’s weird eye. I’m sure he’s thankful now, but when he got stabbed in the eye, he probably wasn’t thankful. In fact, he was probably screaming in pain and cursing life for being so cruel.

3.) I am thankful for Denny’s. When the real world gets to be too much and I’m tired of having to act like a concerned and responsible adult, I can crawl underneath the fiberglass booths and weep for the days of my childhood on the Moons Over My Hammy-stained carpets.

4.) I am thankful that Austin now has an H&M though I’m too terrified of the long lines to actually go in there.

5.) I am thankful for Mrs. Meyer’s Basil-scented hand soap. Sometimes when I have nothing better to do, I will take a bottle of this soap and (more…)