Hipstercrite Life

RIP Sherman, a.k.a. Batman, a.k.a Baby Kitty

I don’t want to write this post, but I feel like I should in order to move on.

The feral cat we took in, Sherman, a.k.a. Batman, passed away eleven hours ago.

In the short time we had him, he filled our hearts with so much love.


I can’t write anything right now.

Maybe another time.

This was his last photo.



In.gredients: America’s First Zero-Waste, Zero-Packaging Grocery Store (pictures)

We all know Austin is cool.

In fact, Austin was recently named the fastest growing city in America again (I think I’m going to design a t-shirt that says, “I moved to Austin before it was cool to move to Austin”).

There are a lot of big ideas coming out of this unique city and now Austin can add another innovative business to its growing list.

In.gredients is the nation’s first zero-packaging, zero-waste grocery store in America. Located in East Austin, In.gredients boasts a wide array of locally-sourced produce (which includes milk, meat and cheese), dry goods, condiments and cleaners for purchase.  The concept is simple: customers bring in their own containers and bags (containers are also available for a small fee), fill them up with desired products, weigh them, then pay for groceries at the front counter. No bulky packaging and no plastic bags.

In the days of excess eating and waste, In.gredients hopes to “minimize waste” while promoting “healthy sustainable lifestyles”.

What (more…)

20-Something, Hipstercrite Life

10 Steps On How to Stop Dating Douchebags


 Dear Women Who Loooove Douchebags,

I’m meeting more and more of you lately. Pretty, smart and outgoing young women who date utter and complete douches- and not in the “vaginal irrigation” sense. More like the “vaginal irritation” sense.

You wonder why the douchebags you date don’t call you, don’t want to be exclusive or never any affection or respect. You ask everyone but the douchebag why he doesn’t want to introduce you to his friends or family, why he insists on having sex without a condom and why he must still talk to his ex every day.

The douchebags always break up with you and you’re constantly left in a state of total despair, crying, “Gosh, there must be something wrong with me!”

You’re right.

There is something wrong with you.

It’s not that you’re not attractive, intelligent, interesting, fun to hang out with or fun to sleep with.

Your problem is that you date douchebags.


You suffer from Douchebag Attraction Disorder. DAD for short (I’ll (more…)

Austin, Music, Pop Culture

The Winner of the Lindsey Buckingham Ticket Giveaway (and my first blog video)!

via Billboard

This is my first video on Hipstercrite.

Don’t judge.

I said, DON’T JUDGE!

This was filmed this morning post-shower, but pre-coffee. My hair is still wet, my allergy dark circles are ragin’ and I’m speaking quietly because we have an editor temporarily living at our house (he is editing our movie, Loves Her Gun) and I don’t want him to think that I talk to myself any more than I’ve already shown.

In this video, I announce the winner of the Lindsey Buckingham ticket giveaway and sing Fleetwood Mac to you.

If you are the winner, email me at laurenmodery at gmail dot com.

If you dislike my singing, let me know and I will bombard you with more videos.

Austin, Fashion/Design

Fashion Friday: Everyone Loves Austin!

What is Everyone Loves Austin?

ELA is an Austin pride and preservation movement created by the sweet Sophia Veronica Erian. Being a huge fan of Austin herself, she created Everyone Loves Austin as means for people to collectively share their pride for this wonderful city (think “I Love NY”).

10% of the proceeds of ELA’s merchandise goes to HAAM (Health Alliance for Austin Musicians), while another 10% goes towards Keep Austin Beautiful.

I love this tank. Every time I wear it, it’s gets a conversation going about how much we all love this city.

I will be holding a giveaway next week for an Everyone Loves Austin t-shirt or tank, so make sure to come by next week!

20-Something, Hipstercrite Life

Ladies, Did You Know That Your Birth Control Is Now Free? (and other health benefits available to you)

Awhile back I received a $25 rebate from my insurance provider, BlueCross BlueShield, thanks to the Affordable Care Act. The check was in response to Obamacare’s new 80/20 rule  where “insurance companies must spend at least 80 cents of your premium dollar on your health care or improvements to care”. Since my provider didn’t do that, I got some moola back (friends with fancier plans got more money back).

Shortly after my check, I received a letter from BlueCross BlueShield listing new changes that will affect my benefits.

Fearing I’d find a long list of benefits my provider would no longer be covering, I was surprised to discover the opposite.

As of August 1st, several women’s preventive benefits are available to the insured with no patient cost-sharing (no copayment, coinsurance or deductible).

That list includes:
Well-woman visits (yearly gynecological exam)
Screening for diabetes during pregnancy
HPV testing for women at least 30 years of age
Counseling (more…)

Hipstercrite Life, Writing

The Trouble With Adult Relationships: A Personal Story


Awhile back, a NY Times article circled the social mediaz (there are so many lately) that examined the hardships of making friends over the age of 30.

If I recall correctly, the article said it was difficult to develop friendships, like the ones you had in grade school or college, over the age of 30 because individuals typically get their shit together by then and decide to scrape off the loser friends who either a.) still live on somebody else’s couch 2.) repeat the same disasturous dating mistakes for years, constantly ask you for advice and then never take it and 3.) drink every night, but think AA is a vehicle assistance program spend more time with their spouse, kids and co-workers at places like Dave & Buster’s than at bars w/ buddies.

Or at least that’s what I got out of the article.

I’ve never been an awesome kick-ass friend. I attribute it to being an only child. And a Gemini. And maybe because I’m a left-handed Jew, I’m not sure. Woody Allen doesn’t seem (more…)

Austin, Music, Pop Culture

Lindsey Buckingham Ticket Giveaway: Antone’s 8/22

Something really amazing is happening over here at Hipstercrite.

I’m giving away two tickets to the SOLD OUT 8/22 Antone’s show of this BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL MAN:

 Yep, you heard right.

Two tickets to see the super talented Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac.

If you’ve never seen this guy make love to his guitar, you’re in for a real treat. One of the most charming musicians and fantastic guitar players out there.

To enter the giveaway, I’m going to make this a little fun (p.s. it involves dressing up!).


1.) Hit “like” on the Hipstercrite and Antone’s Facebook pages (if you’re already a fan of both, let me know in comments)

2.) Leave a comment down below that says you’ve done both (you have until 11:59PM Sunday, August 5th to do this).

3.) I will draw names out of a hat at 10AM Monday, August 6th.

4.) I will announce the winner on my blog on Monday!


Austin, Writing

Zagat is Coming to Austin!

How awesome is the Zagat guide?

Before the days of social media and Yelp, Zagat was keeping it real and witty with their city guides on dining, shopping and entertainment.

If you went to NYC or LA, you stuffed that trusty maroon guide in your back pocket and it never steered you wrong. Zagat has always been your good-time bible.

Well, the Z is expanding, and now Austinites will have the opportunity to follow Zagat in their own town! (This lucky lady has the fortunate opportunity to be working with them!)

Locals can now spot Zagat ratings for their favorite restaurants and stores on Google Maps and Google + Local.

Currently, Zagat is in the survey phase for Austin where they need YOUR opinions on dining and shopping in Austin! Go here to start the survey!

If having your local sentiments documented in Zagat history is not cool enough, the gang is also giving away sweet swag for your opinions and one lucky winner will receive a PIP pass to Fun Fun Fun Fest!

*A Zagat/Google (more…)


We Will Call Him Batman: Taking Care of a Feral Kitten

“He looks like Batman,” Geoff said.

He actually looks more like a bat.

So we named him Batman, though secretly I want to call him Sherman Hemsley. As a Twitter friend pointed out, that name is currently available.

Sher-batman is 6 weeks old.

He is the son of one of the feral kittens we caught to get fixed.

Some of you may recall that last week I asked what is the best way to go about fixin’ strays.

We ended up catching 4  who are currently at the Humane Society recovering, but we feel guilty for disrupting the kitty commune.

The ones that were left stare at us with disdain or run off in a panic.

“Those are the mean people that trap us!” they say. “Beware!”

Geoff and I (particularly Geoff who has done more work) feel very sad, but we know it’s the right thing. The cats need fixing.

We are the faceless adults in every animal Disney flick.

But that leaves 7 kittens without a mother this week.

We confirmed that they’re at an age where they can survive without (more…)