
Does Blogging Make You Depressed?


I like following popular blogs. Not so much in that I find the material interesting (by the time I’ve found the blogs, the authors have already begun posting less than engaging material because they’ve reached a success that doesn’t demand time or quality), but because I’m intrigued with their lives as popular bloggers.

Recently, a blogger friend clued me in to some blogger drama going on with the blog Single Dad Laughing. In short, a lot of readers and bloggers have increasingly become annoyed at author Dan Pearce’s  seemingly narcissistic blog rants. A recent SDL post spawned this angry response from Daddy blogger, Beta Dad. Though I don’t believe in blogger bashing, I found Beta Dad’s blog post kind of hysterical.

Blogger dramaz!

I don’t always follow Single Dad Laughing, but when I do, I’ve spotted keywords such as “depression“, “hiatus” (Dan had to take temporary mental health hiatus from blogging) and other words that insinuate emotional unrest.

This got me (more…)

Hipstercrite Life


Sometimes I just don’t feel like writing.

Do you ever feel that way?

Like your brain is covered in packing material and you just can’t seem to dig her out?

I got a drawing tablet. I don’t really know what to do with it.

I made this.

It sucks.

Music, Pop Culture

Ten Best Covers of a Fleetwood Mac Song

Ok, so my blog has been on a Fleetwood Mac kick lately.

I’m just so excited that:

1.) The band announced they’re touring next year!

2.) A new Fleetwood Mac tribute album titled Just Tell Me That You Want Me  is coming out in August and featuring Best Coast, Lykke Li and MGMT.

3.) I’m doing a ticket giveaway to see Lindsey Buckingham at Antone’s on August 22nd! Check back soon for the giveaway.

As for the cover album, Pitchfork has leaked Lykke Li’s cover of  “Silver Springs” and The New Pornographers’ “Think About Me”. So far, the album sounds great! A lot of diverse talent including The Kills, Marianne Faithful and St. Vincent covering famous and obscure FM songs such as “Albatross”, “Storms” and “Sisters of the Moon”.

The tribute album got me thinking about my favorite Fleetwood Mac covers. What is your fave?

Who: Lykke Li
Song: “Silver Springs”
Why It’s Awesome: Lykke Li gives a nice shoegazey twist to this lyrically haunting song.

Who: The Kills
Song: (more…)

Film, Pop Culture

A Letter to Michael Keaton

Dear Michael,

Where did you go?

I mean, I know you’re still acting and all, but where did you go?

You’re no longer nestled in a comfy nook of the hearts of millions adoring fans, that’s for sure. You packed up, moved out and headed to Randomland. We’ve seen you pop up in Cars, Lost and various independent films and tv movies over the past twelve years that left us scratching our heads.

Why, Michael Keaton, why?

You were on top, man. At one point, you could have been the POTUS. I would have voted for you. You seemed to make a pretty good one in First Daughter.

I blame your agent. A man like Michael Keaton wouldn’t have willingly acted in films such as Jack Frost or Herbie:  Fully Reloaded. He held a gun to your head and told you that you HAD to take those films, right? RIGHT?! Please lie to me, Michael Keaton. I can’t bear to think that you happily chose to act in such rubbish.

I grew up with you. I saw you as my other Dad. Albeit, a dad with greasy hair, rotten (more…)

Film, Pop Culture

Sorry Anne Hathaway, Michelle Pfeiffer is Still The Hottest Catwoman

So, last night I saw The Dark Knight Rises.

Look, the movie is good, but it’s no The Dark Knight.

The Dark Knight has the perfect mix of emotional power, smarts and chemistry. The Dark Knight Rises movie feels like a weaker rehashing of the first two Nolan movies combined.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still good. Nolan could crap on a piece of paper and it would have more character and depth than the majority of films Hollywood is making these days.

One of my small disappointments with the film is Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. That poor girl had some pretty big stilettos to fill and I don’t think she has what it takes to be the fragile, beautiful Selina Kyle, yet.

Anna Hathaway is adorable. ADORABLE. Not sexy or vixeny or sireny. Watching her flirty talk with Batman is like uncomfortably watching your little sister unsuccessfully hit on a dude at the bar. It doesn’t work. There is hotter chemistry between Christian Bale and Joseph Gordon Levitt than Bale and Hathaway.

Having (more…)

Pop Culture

How To Make Kale Chips That Taste Like Ass

When I’m not eating at Taco Bueno, I sometimes eat healthy.

Actually, like most Americans, I have a completely bipolar view of food where I’ll go long stretches of eating hairy-armpit-Birkenstock-sandals food or Spaghetti-O’s.

Sometimes I’ll take the middle ground and eat Annie’s P’Sghetti Loops with Soy Meatballs.

Anyways, I’ve been on a healthy kick lately because I’ve been sick.

I’ve been hearing so much “Kale this! Kale that!” on the Internetz that I decided to jump on the foodie bandwagon and make myself kale chips.

They’re easy as shit to make.

You need: Kale, salt, tin foil, backing sheet, oven, lights so you can see what you’re doing, arms to place the chips in the oven and eyes to make sure you don’t burn yourself when taking the kale chips out of the oven. Clothing is optional. I decided to make these chips in my pjs with makeup on from the night before.


So, you see here? I’ve ripped up pieces of raw kale to look like chips and placed them on a baking (more…)

Austin, Film, Pop Culture

Ten Best Pop-Up Movie Theaters Around the World

Pop-up movie theaters seem to be the craze as of late. Austin is no stranger to the format; the city’s beloved independent theater chain, Alamo Drafthouse, has been showcasing their Rolling Roadshow screenings for years. All over the U.S., movie fans have had the pleasure of seeing films such as Blue Brothers at the Old Joliet Prison, Rocky at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Goonies in Astoria, Oregon and Texas Chainsaw Massacre at the original house of slaughter in Kingsland, Texas courtesy of the Rolling Roadshow.

It appears that another pop-up movie theater might make a guest appearance in the Capital City soon. Bike-In-Theater debuted on an abandoned riverside street in Brooklyn last summer to much fanfare. The gang behind the bike-friendly screenings are looking to expand and Austin is on their list! Read more about the project here or donate to the cause here.

Below are some of the best pop-up movie theaters from around the globe. What is your favorite?

photo via Alamo Drafthouse

Pop-up (more…)


Is It Possible to Turn Into Crazy Cat Lady When You Don’t Have Any Cats?

Duuuuude, I’ve been sick.

Like, non-sexy Barry White sick.

The pros of having a husky voice have been Godzilla’d on by my ridiculous wheeze and old man shuffling around the house.

I feel like poop and I want to write very little other than, “I FEEL LIKE POOP!” over and over.

I try to break up my days by checking out the seven feral kittens that hang out in my neighbor’s yard.

I like to squat down behind the fence and try to coax the baby kitties to come near me. My neighbor doesn’t know she has baby kitties in her yard and I’m waiting for the day when she comes out and sees me creeping around her yard with a shit-eating grin on my face. Wouldn’t be an uncommon thing to see in East Austin.

Needless to say, the baby feral kitties won’t come near me and I leave feeling dejected. Thanks for making me MORE sick, fucking kittens.

Is it possible to turn into the Crazy Cat Lady when you don’t even have any cats?

Geoff and I are going to offer to help catch and neuter/spade (more…)