Austin, Writing

What Are Your Thoughts on the Judgmental Austin Map?

I don’t know how I feel about the Judgmental Austin map.

I can typically take a joke, but something about this just rubbed me the wrong way.

The author’s classification of and negativity towards people in Austin is disconcerting by itself, but what startles me the most is the surprising adulation the map has received. The map has garnered thousands of shares and mostly positive response.

Being able to laugh at oneself is often a good idea and I can’t help but feel the applause for this map was born out of Austinites’ frustration with the city’s ever expanding population, but is it helping to perpetuate a growing disconnect within the city? An Us vs. Them, Me vs. You mentality? Austinites hate on California, but with the popularity of media such as this, we’re well on our way to becoming Los Angeles- the city of extreme societal segregation. I’m really surprised that racial and sexual classification such as “Black Resisting Gentrification”, “N. Mexico”, “S. Mexico” and “Boring (more…)

Hipstercrite Life

Summertime in New York

I have a lot of stuff I want to write, but I’m on vacation, I’m sick and I’m grumpy.

I’m trying to stay away from the comp, but it’s hard.

In lieu of writing, here are some pics from my trip. Hope to get back up and writing this weekend.

Have a nice weekend y’all!

Nothing like New York in June

Grandma visiting Lionel in his new assisted living home. They miss each other.

Lionel holding a picture of his younger self so he can remember his life.

Little Miss Lucy

20-Something, Hipstercrite Life

A Note About Turning 29

the very young and bitter author

Next week I’m turning 29 years old.

Shit, it seems like only yesterday I was 22, 24, 26…

Most thirty-somethings will tell you, “I would NEVER want to relive my twenties!”, and I’m starting to feel the same way.

Though “30 years old” is a tough pill to swallow, I’m enjoying the ride so far. It’s been significantly more stable the past few years.

Sliding into home plate has left less scratches and bruises than hitting the first ball.

In my early twenties, I didn’t know my ass from my face. And believe me, at times I felt I looked like nothing more than a big fat asshole.

At 20 I moved to Los Angeles to be a personal assistant and I thought I was cooler than cool. I had broken free from my small town in Upstate New York and was around the celebrities and industry that I grew up wanting to be a part of.

It was a good front; I actually felt extremely lost, confused, lonely and for the first time in my life, horribly insecure.

Of course, (more…)


You’re My Butter Half

New post later today.

In the meantime, check out this adorable street art I stumbled upon in East Austin.

*Tip to business owners: Put some sort of love-related graffiti/wall art on the outside of your building and you are as good as gold. You will get more indirect press that you could ever imagine.



The Importance of Shopping Locally: A Personal Story

Last week I wrote about the inspiring entrepreneurial spirit of Austin, Texas. Small business is a subject near and dear to me. I grew up in a family-owned and operated clothing store named Leonard’s in Central New York.

Closing the business after 35 years was like a stake through the heart of my family. When I moved to Austin, I was overwhelmed by the locals’ support of mom and pop businesses. Would Leonard’s have had the same fate if it resided in Austin instead of the economically depressed Central New York?

I don’t think about Leonard’s often because the memory of its passing is too painful to dwell on. However, a former employee and friend, Gabrielle, died recently, and it stirred a wave of nostalgia.


I linger on the silkiness of my Grandma’s voice.

The faux aristocrat.

As though every time the phone rings, she’s expecting it to be the President.

I wait a beat.

Trying to make sure that what I’m about to say doesn’t explode out into a puddle (more…)

Austin, Fashion/Design

Ladies Need Mustache Rings

Have you guys heard of Vinca USA? Maybe you’ve seen them on lately!

This Austin-based company makes adorable and kitschy jewelry in their very own backyard!

Keep your eye out for my CultureMap piece next Monday about this inspiring company.

In the meantime, here is a photo of me with my brand new mustache ring. Only $10! Love it!

Austin, Music

Love at 20’s “Lips in London” Takes Me on an 80s Synth Night Ride

My favorite genre of music is the one that makes me feel like a Bret Easton Ellis character. The sort of night ride synth that puts you in a romantic nostalgia for a time and place you’ve never been.

Austin’s very own Love at 20 does just that. Love at 20 is the 80s new wave pop child of Mike Groener.

Love at 20 was born out of the ashes from Austin’s legendary electro band Clap! Clap! and Groener’s love for Depeche Mode.

I can’t get their latest album Lips in London out of my mind.

Think Drive soundtrack, but a little less death and destruction.

If you’re a fan of Depeche Mode, The Cure, Erasure and Pet Shop Boys, you’re going to love this.

Here is a collection of my favorite tracks.

You can listen to the entire album here.









Write to Please Just One Person

“Write to please just one person”– Kurt Vonnegut

I came across this helpful advice the other day on “discovery engine” Brain Pickings.

Being a fan of reading self-helps, how-to’s, tips and lists, I often find writing advice painfully obvious or boring. I don’t paste quips from various writers in Pinterest-worthy display above my desk nor do I partake in any zen-like daily writing practices.

Writing for me has simply been a creative hodge-podge that sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. I let my gut and my heart take the reins while my brain often holds on for dear life (hence the occasional typo).

With all that being said, this simple quote from Vonnegut struck a chord with me. It’s doubtful that the author said the advice with Internet writing in mind, but needless to say it is more than applicable.

Being a blogger does something to you.

It confuses you.

“Am I writer or am I blogger?” you ask yourself.

Some people are just bloggers. And I’m not implying that (more…)


The Inspiring Nature of Austin’s Entrepreneurial Spirit

In the current Wild West days of start-ups and micro-entrepreneurs anything is possible, and there is no place more practicing of that ideology than Austin, Texas.

Having lived in Los Angeles for a number of years, I got used to people saying, “Well, I have this idea I’ve been playing around with…” or “One day, I’d like to build/create/grow…” but most of those people never got around to fulfilling their goals or dreams. In cities like New York or Los Angeles, unless you come from money, most people are more preoccupied with trying to survive over finding the time and money to actualize their passion project.

When I moved to Austin I began meeting individuals who were coming up with ideas and following through on them. Young people, old people, men, women and children. I discovered that in a town like Austin, one can focus on their goals more easily because not only is the cost of living affordable, there is also no personal or corporate income tax and state franchise business (more…)


How To Gain Blog Followers The Fast Way

I’ve learned a lot about blogging over the past three years.

The biggest thing I’ve learned is that if you want a lot of followers and want to attract advertisers you need to make your blog niche. The more niche the better.

I’d be lying if I said I don’t give a shit about my traffic (most people are lying if they say they don’t care), but I don’t give a crap enough to completely change my blog in hopes of wooing advertisers. Hey, it would be nice to get paid for this thing, but in the long run, I obviously like having my content all over the place. I have the freedom to write whatever I want.

I also love the amazing individuals who have hung in there with me and don’t feel like alienating them with what feels like forced material. Niche is good, but forced niche is bad.

In other words, this blog will probably never be big. It has grown, but with my scope being very wide, I doubt I will ever be able to demand big bucks for advertising.

Advertiser: So what is your blog about?

Me: (more…)