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Hipstercrite Life, Pop Culture

A Post Entirely Made of Cheese

I have a job where I interview and photograph restaurants. Sometimes I get free food out of the process.

It might be the best job I’ve ever had.

Recently, this job enabled me to photograph God’s glorious gift to Mankind- the grilled cheese sandwich.

I photographed grilled cheese sandwich after grilled cheese sandwich.


Here are some outtakes from that photoshoot.


Here are the sandwiches before they’re pressed

They squiggle butter onto the sandwiches

Then it comes out looking like this!


And this…which kind of looks gross because it has tuna fish on it, but it’s delicious

This is a photo of a dollhouse grilled cheese sandwich. It came to my attention via @Tillamook Cheese’s twitter feed. I am a big fan of Tillamook Cheese and they’re super fun to talk to on Twitter. I highly recommend following them.

Speaking of Tillamook Cheese- this photo was taken when I toured their factory in Tillamook, Oregon two years ago

I (more…)

Music, Pop Culture

Can Musicians Be Artists Too?


I have a Google Alerts set up for David Byrne.

Unfortunately, a lot of people on this planet are named David Byrne.

Sometimes I am alerted of news stories about David Byrne the musician.

Like about how the soundtrack for “This Must be the Place” has been released, even though the movie hasn’t been released yet because it supposedly sucks ass. It upsets me that something named after the greatest song on the planet can supposedly suck butt so badly.

Most of the alerts are crap, but once in a blue moon I get an interesting story about David Byrne in my inbox. One that caught my attention recently was from the Spectator Arts Blog (an UK publication) and titled “An Inflated Sense of Their Own Artistry“. In it, the writer, Niru Ratnam, lambasts musicians like David Byrne, Ron Wood, Iggy Pop and David Bowie for- get ready for it- making art!

Imagine for a moment the following grouping: David Bowie, the former Clash bass player Paul Simonon, Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie (more…)


Project Repat: A T-shirt Revolution

Did you know that 95% of your old t-shirts donated to Goodwill or the Salvation Army are shipped to Africa?

Yeah, neither did I.

Just think- tons and tons of our old high school glee club t-shirts or co-ed league shirts are sold pennies to the pound and shipped to developing countries where they’re sold in markets.

This is exactly what Project Repat founders Ross Lohr and Sean Hewens thought about. Launched in January of 2011, Project Repat travels to these markets, handpicks t-shirt gems and brings them back to America where they’re sold with 100% proceeds going towards non-profits in the developing world. Project Repat is already on the up and up with features in Good Magazine, Urban Outfitters, Thrillist and Fox News- to name a few.

So why Project Repat? Well, for one, buying t-shirts in developing countries helps to support their economy. Secondly, as mentioned above, 100% of proceeds goes towards charity. Thirdly, think about how many awesome hipster t-shirts are floating (more…)


I Studied in the School of Muppets

Trying a new thing today. This is the republish feature on my CultureMap article this weekend about the Muppets.
Hipstercrite Says…

Everything I Always Needed to Know, I Learned From the Muppets

By Lauren Modery

11.27.11 | 02:00 pm

There’s something special about the Muppets. Something that makes you cry within the first 60 seconds of seeing their new movie—and in 15 minute increments there on out. Something that makes you weep uncontrollably while watching them sing “The Rainbow Connection” in said new movie. Something that makes you stare vacantly at the smiling and fixated children sitting next to you in the theater and thinking, “Children, don’t let your youth slip away.”

For 56 years (!), something about these puppets have been tugging at our heartstrings generation after generation (and if they don’t do it for you—it’s possible that you have no soul). Most of us grew up with the Muppets and, whether we realize it or not, they’ve taught us some very valuable lessons. (more…)


Who Loves Austin?

Everyone Loves Austin!

And there is a new movement that says so.

My CultureMap story yesterday featured a cool new pride and preservation initiative called Everyone Loves Austin.

They’re doing some really cool stuff and have some super cute t-shirts. Check ’em out!


When I first met Sophia Erian, founder of Everyone Loves Austin, I was struck by her infectious enthusiasm for the city. She talked about Austin like it was her child. Pride and ardor run deep through her veins and she knows that there are other people out there like her too- tons of us, actually. That is why she created the new movement Everyone Loves Austin.

Everyone Loves Austin is a two-fold initiative. The first part is “merely to make an assertion that we love Austin,” says Erian…




Fall in East Austin

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Sadly and typically I’m unable to go home for Thanksgiving and am the orphaned celebrator, but this is the first Thanksgiving I celebrated with my boyfriend and his family and it was great! We went to Austin’s famous Threadgill’s and then played bocce at Zilker Park. I climbed a tree and played soccer and I can’t tell you HOW F’ING AMAZING BOTH THOSE THINGS FELT. Disconnecting from the computer and phone for a day and being outside felt better than I could have ever imagined. Sad, huh? Well, I’m hooked now and want to go play bocce right now! In the meantime, here are some pictures from the second weekend of the East Austin Studio Tour and Turkey Day.

rogue letters from a working letterpress

the natural drink machine

fell in love with how many Airstream trailers exist in Austin

someone put swings under this overpass. it’s hard to tell, but there are swings in every section heading towards the back.

this piece was made by burnt wood (more…)

Fashion/Design, Hipstercrite Life

How to Have a Hipster Thanksgiving 2011

Last year I wrote a guide on how to have a Hipster Thanksgiving. Reading over that guide, I kind of wish I could copy and paste it for this year’s post, but alas, I had to come up with something new. Last year’s guide talked about Amy Sedaris’ hosting book ‘I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence‘ and I pretty much just want to only write about that. That woman is the shit.

So it’s Thanksgiving. You’re young, you’re hip, you like making cool DIY projects and even though you’re not vegetarian you’d like to think of yourself as one in select conversations with select individuals that are vegetarian. This is a special time of year for you and you need to know how to prepare for it responsibly. Here are some hipsters tips and products that will enable you to do this.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Make Tin Can Lights for the Turkey Table-
I came across this idea one day on one of those DIY pictorial porn sites- you know, the ones where you look at beautiful pictures of things (more…)

20-Something, Pop Culture

The Hipsterfication of NPR


NPR’s “The Hipsterfication of America“.

Dear God.

What happened?

I wanted to write about this last week when the article first came out but my mind was so blown, I had to spend the weekend recuperating.

NPR! I love you, but did you write this back in 2008 and forget to post it until now? Was it a slow news day? Did an 88 year-old man who has been living on a remote island out in the Galapagos write this? Or do you think that your viewership is strictly 88 year-olds, because I have news for you NPR, hipsters listen to you and we’re severely confused by this article.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading this article yet (it’s a short one), NPR decided it was time for America to know about hipsters.

“In case you haven’t noticed, hipsters — and those who cater to them — are everywhere. And that really galls some hipsters,” the author Linton Weeks (sounds like a James Thurber character!) stated. The article goes on to state that hipsterdom is an omnipresent culture- (more…)

20-Something, Hipstercrite Life

I Believe in a Thing Called Love, Just Listen to the Rhythm of My Heart

Yesterday I took a big chance. I wrote an article about my boyfriend on CultureMap- which gets way more traffic than my blog does. I often find it difficult to write long posts, but I found myself able to nearly write a book about my boyfriend. The post, titled “Do You Believe in All the Cliches? A Sappy Relationship Story”, is about how I used to date douchebags and then one day I stopped. I met the most wonderful person and it made me believe that all those cheesy cliches about love might be true. I nervously watched as my boyfriend read the piece once it was posted. The more he read the more my stomach twisted in knots. He loved the piece and when he was done reading I went and gave him a tear-filled hug.

Enjoy the sap…


I used to date douchebags, then one day I stopped.

I’m not sure what made me stop acting this way. Maybe I finally grew up. Maybe I became more confident in who I was. Maybe I met the right person.

Or maybe it was all of those things combined.

Before (more…)

Film, Pop Culture

The Muppets Review: A Must-See For Every Muppet Fan



I was going to post this next week, but screw it. I already noticed a few reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and my blog isn’t big enough to have a studio sic a Muppet on me, so here it is, my The Muppets review. Disclaimer- I’m not a movie reviewer and suck ass at writing reviews.

The Muppets is a good movie. It’s not great. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that the more you watch it, the more great it becomes. Writers Jason Segel and Nicholas Stoller had a big task in front of them and all-in-all they succeeded in doing the job.

Gary (Jason Segel) and his Muppet brother, Walter, live in Smalltown, U.S.A. They are best buds and do everything together. As they grow older it becomes apparent that Walter is “different”. He feels out of place. One day Gary and Walter watch The Muppet Show on TV and Walter is transfixed. He has found his people.

Fast forward years later, Gary decides to take his girlfriend of ten years, Mary (Amy Adams), to Los Angeles. Knowing how (more…)