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Austin, Music

Bleached Secrets

One of the features I wanted to add to the new Hipstercrite is writing about Austin events I’m excited about. Now, I’m not going to turn into a nightlife or scenester blog. I’m way too lame for that.  However, there are some pretty cool people doing some pretty cool things around here and I want to help share their special-ness. So every now and then you’ll see a post promoting something that I feel is Hipstercritey.

This Wednesday two of my favorite local creative endeavors Learning Secrets and Bleach Online are throwing a shindig for the release of Bleach’s “Wild Mint” issue. The festivities will take place at 29th Street Ballroom 9PM and feature Los Angeles DJ/music producer duo Poolside , Austin’s very own 1950’s shoegazey Boy’s Life, DJ sets by Learning Secrets and a very very very special guest. They’re so special, they deserve three “verys”.

Tix are $5


RSVP here.

Hope to see you there!

Hipstercrite Life

When the Car Speeds Out of Control

11:34PM 10/10/11 I think?

I spoke with my father earlier this evening. Dad is a part-time actor and part-time chauffeur in Los Angeles (aren’t they all?). He works for a well-known car service and because of his super flyness and charm, he often drives some of their largest clients. Most of his clients are kind or completely aloof, but never mean. Dad told me about one of the few cranky clients he had the other night, an older actor who had his heyday 40 years ago but is still milking it for all it’s worth. To make a long story short, the actor handed my dad a tip, but then decided he didn’t want to give the tip and pulled the money out of my dad’s hand and left. Dad thought it was hysterical.

But this wasn’t the story that struck me during our conversation. No, it was the part about getting hit head-on by a drunk driver on Friday night. “Now, I don’t want you to worry,” he said, “I’m fine.” My Dad knows I worry a lot. However, I think he thinks I worry more than I do. I’m not (more…)

20-Something, Hipstercrite Life

Dear Diary!

I was telling a friend the other day that my blog was stressing me out. He asked why. I told him that I didn’t have a freakin’ clue. And that’s totally not true. It’s just that I didn’t want to think about why it was stressing me out.

“Well”, he typed over Gchat, “Isn’t your writing supposed to be therapeutic?” I thought about it for a second and realized my writing has become anything but. At one point a long time ago it was a form of therapy. I was young and I was lost and I discovered that putting those two truths down into words helped. A lot. Looking back on those posts I probably sounded like a nutjob, but weren’t we all at 22?

When more than my Mom under a fake pseudonym started reading my blog, I got nervous. I was afraid that people would think it was some lame-ass teenage-esque diary of a young woman who needed a can of “SHUT THE HELL UP!” . Something I wish they actually sold in grocery stores so I could strategically leave outside college student’s dorm rooms in the (more…)

Austin, Fashion/Design, Hipstercrite Life

Guess That This Must Be the Place

I have a new article up on Culture Map today that I wanted to share with you guys. Last week was my three year anniversary in Austin. I can’t believe how much time has gone by. It seems like decades ago that I moved here. I barely remember the time I lived in LA 🙁

Above are the first two pictures I took in Austin. The out-of-focus one was my Hipstercrite header photo for a long time.

Austin has become my home and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.


Last week I celebrated my third year in Austin.

Well, actually, it kind of came and went without me even noticing. You see, Austin has become home. I no longer view it as this animate object that swept me up into it’s arms and saved me—I just simply live in it now. I’m an Austinite. I have a 512 phone number and I wear pearl snap shirts.

I used to romanticize a lot about Austin. Hell, I even drunk dialed her frequently. She was this near-mythical (more…)

Pop Culture

Who Was Fred Shuttlesworth and Why He’s As Important as Steve Jobs

The same day that Steve Jobs passed away, a Civil Rights icon died as well. Fred Shuttlesworth, a pastor, a freedom rider, and overall badass, died at the age of 89 in his hometown of Birmingham, Alabama on Wednesday.

Though his passing received some play, it was largely overshadowed by the technology icon’s death. I really shouldn’t be surprised, but it saddened me nonetheless. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know who Fred Shuttlesworth was before he passed away and I’ve always been interested in the Civil Rights movement. Fred Shuttlesworth was there right alongside Martin Luther King Jr., stood up against the KKK, and survived multiple attempts on his life, but his story is mostly left out of the history books.

On Wednesday the majority of Facebook updates were aimed towards one man- Steve Jobs. Many people felt as though they lost a family member. There is no doubt that Steve Jobs has greatly influenced modern culture- many of our lives revolve around the products he’s designed. But (more…)

Hipstercrite Life, Writing

No Bizness Card is Complete Without Chest Hair

Got my Moo mini business cards for my blog this week.

I’ve gone legit!

What do you think?

Not sure if giving a stranger a photo of yourself with a hairy chest is the best way to win them over, but what the hell, right?

I’ve totally fallen in love with Moo. I got this business card through a perk on Klout. 100 mini cards for free. Somehow I managed to spot the perk before everyone gobbled it up! Only had to pay shipping and I could have made all 100 have a different photo. The cards are otherwise $20 for 100. Love that you can have fashionable biz cards for cheap!


Film, Pop Culture

Beginners’ Guide to Graphic Novels pt. 1

My boyfriend is an animator which means his bookcases are filled with animator stuff.
One day I was bored and pulled down his copy of Persepolis.
I thought graphic novels were for kids and nerds, so I wasn’t expecting much from it.
Boy, was I a dumbass.

By the second page I was sucked into the book like James Spader into the Stargate. I was transfixed. A heartbreaking coming-of-age tale set during a time of historical significance had this history nerd gobbling up every word.   For those of you not familiar with Persepolis (and live a sad, sheltered life like I do), it is the autobiography of Marjane Satrapi, a young woman growing up in Iran in the 1970’s. The book takes us through her childhood, which intersects with the Iranian Revolution, her escape to Europe as a teenager, and then back to Iran as a twenty-something and the dramatic changes within her country.

Satrapi writes of a life that was once simple and carefree, how women didn’t have the adhere to strict Islamic (more…)

Film, Pop Culture

Arrested Development Is Back! It’s Time to Celebrate with Fan Fiction!

I don’t know about you,  but I blue myself when news surfaced that Arrested Development was coming back with a movie and 10 television episodes in 2013.  Arrested Development is probably my favorite TV show. At one point X-files was, but I’ve come to discover that X-files doesn’t necessarily stand the test of time as well as AD does. The music and secondary actors were kind of cheesy on X-files. NOTHING ABOUT ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT IS CHEESY.

Now that the show is back, I’ve been fantasizing about what the Bluths have been doing all this time. I used to be really good at fan fiction writing as a teenager. Coming up with stories about Mulder and Scully doing it helped me get through puberty.

I’m going to see if I still have the fan fic chops.

The show has been off the air for five years and Michael Cera and Alia Shawcat are noticeably not fat-faced anymore. However, I freaking hate when shows or movies come back in real time. Can’t everyone just stay all Simpsons-like? Do we really (more…)

Hipstercrite Life, Writing

Writing Makes You Weird

Ever since I’ve started writing semi-regularly, I feel like I’ve gotten super weird.

Like I’ve lost all ability to socialize with other human beings and I just find myself standing crosseyed and painless in the world- as David Byrne would say. I look like I’m staring at a giant naked man disco dancing on top of yo’ head while you’re talking to me. Half the time I’m floating off into space with my lamé rocket suit because I’m thinking about what to write that day. I’m always thinking about what to write. The other half of the time I look like someone slapped me upside the head because I’m trying to find the words to say. Talking in your head a lot and regurgitating those words onto a keyboard, then constantly reediting those words and when you don’t like those words going to an online thesaurus to change them, makes for awkward fun time when you finally open your mouth in public.


While someone is talking to me I begin a sentence only to find myself stopping because (more…)

20-Something, Austin, Hipstercrite Life, Writing

Occupy WallStreet Occupy Austin

Photo from ABC News

On our last night filming in New York City we were burglarized.

Our two lead actresses and female DP had their computers, camera, and tax paperwork stolen from the apartment they were staying in. The apartment is located in a co-op in Brooklyn that has a locked main entrance and individual locked doors for the apartments. This particular apartment door was left unlocked for a few hours and within this time, someone stole the items mentioned above.

When the three individuals discovered that their belongings had been stolen, they immediately called the police. The dispatcher told them that a police officer would not be sent to the apartment and that they needed to go to the police station to file a report. The three women all headed on foot to the police station. A male crew member called 911 not knowing that the DP had called the police and they dispatched a police officer to the (more…)