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My Halloween Costume (Fail)- Freddie Mercury

As most of you know- because I yaked on about it enough- I’m going as Freddie Mercury for Halloween.

I take dressing up very seriously.
Maybe even a little too seriously.
For some reason, I still believe that if I truly want to become someone, I will physically transform into them.
Imagine my disappointment when after dressing up as Freddie Mercury last night, I realized I’m still just a tiny white girl and not a large-toothed, hairball Parsi with the vocal cords of a God.

1.) I survived a visit to Austin’s favorite costume store- Lucy In Disguise With Diamonds to pick up my Freddie mustache, chest hair, spirit gum (adhesive), and spirit gum remover.

2.) I asked the employee if they sell chest hair and she handed me what looked like a stoner’s ratty chin braid. Once home, I unraveled the lock of hair to discover the left-overs of Alec Baldwin getting a full body shave.

3.) I could barely contain my excitement of donning chest hair later in the evening…
4.) But when I put it on, I realized (more…)
Film, Hipstercrite Life, Music, Pop Culture

Last Minute Hipster Halloween Costume- Your Ideas

Yesterday’s post regarding last minute hipster Halloween costume ideas had such positive feedback that I wanted to hear your ideas!

Y’all are so clever…

Hall and Oates– (for Hall) blonde mullet, leather jacket or private detective coat, a list with a woman’s kiss print on it, (for Oates) jheri curl wig, mustache, t-shirt with arms cut off, the ability to handle being second fiddle OR I like@dj_orions idea better: carry around a bag of oats and when people ask what you’re doing say, “I’m haulin’ oats.”

Antoine Dodson– black undershirt, red handkerchief, jheri curl wig, sass, discomfort in knowing that there is something still slightly racist about making fun of this (via josh)

The Hipster Grifter– pixie wig, headband, any Urban Outfitters ensemble, fake tattoos on chest, a copy of Vice Magazine, the weight of the world’s hate on your shoulders (via @pollysyllabick)

Marc Bolan– Jheri curl wig, Bowie’s hand-me-down fitted velvet three piece suit, boa, and glittery cheekbones (more…)

Film, Hipstercrite Life, Music, Pop Culture

Last Minute Hipster Halloween Costume Ideas

I’d say about 90% of people wait until the last friggin‘ possible minute to get their Halloween costume. I know this because having worked at a clothing store that is popular around Halloween time encourages every asshole to come in the day of wanting to dress like a 70’s porn star or an 80’s aerobic instructor and they think they’re the first person on the planet to ever come up with that idea.

Some people wait until the last minute because they have no idea what the hell they’re going to wear.
If you’re one of those people, then look no further.
I have your one-stop last minute hipster Halloween costume go-to guide below.
First, if you’re a good hipster, you will already have these items in your collection:
1.) top hat
2.) mustaches of various shapes and colors
3.) bow ties
4.) ties
5.) suspenders
6.) suits- two piece and three piece and of various color and material
7.) horn-rimmed glasses
8.) loafers
9.) vest
10.) Wayfarers
11.) wigs of various shapes and colors- particularly (more…)

The F’ed Up Deaths of Soul Singers

It was a Sam Cooke Pandora station kind of day.
Where silky-voiced soul singers played roulette on my computer.
Sam Cooke. Otis Redding. Marvin Gaye. Tammy Terrell. Curtis Mayfield. Jackie Wilson.
All unparalleled talent that died way too young.

Then I realized, “Wait a minute- they all died in some really f’d up ways too.”

Plane crashes, shootings, falling stage equipment, brain tumors, hot grits (nobody actually died from having hot grits thrown on them, but Al Green did become a born again afterwards). There was no shortage of colorful murders and deaths in the soul world.

Let’s start with the most insane first:

Sam Cooke– Cooke was one of the most prolific R&B singers of his time. With 19 albums and 29 Top 40 singles under his belt by the age of 33, it looked like nothing was going to stop this young man from taking over the world. Except for maybe a seedy motel manager in South Central with a gun and a broom. Cooke loved his ladies and his booze and unfortunately the two did not mix well (more…)


Pop Goes The Reality Bubble

Producer’s assistant on movie set- 21 years-old, happy and carefree

Staying on theme with last Friday’s post about twenty-somethings.

When I was a little girl, I always knew I wanted to work in the film business. When the opportunity surprisingly presented itself at 20 years of age, I jumped at the chance.

I was in my junior year at Ithaca College when I applied and was admitted to the communication school’s LA satellite program. My father and I drove from New York to California with what I could fit in my ’97 white Ford Taurus. Once settled in LA, my first task was to find an internship. I sifted through the database of internships given to us, but none of them appealed to me. I decided I would cold call companies where I knew I wanted to work (George Clooney and Steven Soderberg’s Section 8, Ben Stiller’s Red Hour, Drew Barrymore’s Flower Pictures), but there was one actor in particular I was itching to work for. I called his office and asked if they needed an intern. They said not really (more…)


I’m Just An Animal Looking For A Home (Or The Plight of the Twenty-Something)


I am your typical non-committal and nonplussed twenty-something they’ve been devoting so much attention to in the press lately.

The Millennials who just can’t get their shit together.

The person with debt. The person who rents. The person who has short-lasting relationships. The person who woke up one morning and realized that the career she is in, the career she went to college for, the field she is supposed to love and stick with for the rest of her life, just doesn’t mean anything to her anymore. The person who dreams big but paralyzed about the amount of options. The person who is afraid to commit to a person or a job out of fear of what else she is missing. The person who lives a lifestyle where she can pack up and go at any minute if she’s feeling too constricted.

But constricted by what?

Having so much press devoted to our generation helps us to realize we are not alone in our constant state of wonder and confusion. However, how disappointing is it to read that our generation- (more…)


Nicolas Cage’s Chest Hair May Be A Better Actor Than He

Returning to B-List Actor Thursday (though technically the actor below is A-list…Lord knows why)

Nicolas Cage is a bad actor.
There is no way around that.
Or as one friend puts it, “Nicolas Cage is the idiot savant of acting”.

Sometimes it’s painful to watch Nicolas Cage.
Sometimes you feel uncomfortable for him. Embarrassed. Angry. Horny.

Sometimes you find yourself pant-less staring at pictures of Nicolas Cage with no shirt on and bad hair plugs and….

Nicolas Cage is such a bad actor that when I tried discussing this fact with my father, he felt that Nicolas Cage is bad enough not to warrant a discussion about how bad he is.

“But hear me out, Pop. Nicolas Cage is so bad that he’s good. When he plays serious roles, he can’t do it. But when he plays over-the-top characters- he’s f’ing James Dean or Brando! You following me?”

“Sure,” my father said in the same tone he indulged me in as a child when I talked incessantly in the same manner about Paul Reubens and Crispin Glover.

Let’s think about (more…)


Halloween Costume Ideas for Girls With Penis Envy

For whatever reason, when I dress up- for Halloween or not-Halloween- I like to either go as 1.) a man or 2.) a woman who dresses like a man or 3.) a crazy old woman. Dressing as someone from my own gender or my own generation just doesn’t seem like an option.

I’ve been this way ever since I was a little girl. I’m not sure what it means, but I have a feeling Freud would have a few theories on it.

So, if you’re one of those girls who likes donning a mustache and tie from time-to-time, here are some Halloween ideas to fill that itch.

This year I will be going as two of these costumes combined- Frida Mercury.

For a lot of these outfits, I would tell you to start by looking at the thrift store, but for purposes of the blog, I will share online purchases I have found.

1.) Pee-Wee Herman– The key to dressing like Pee-Wee is getting a suit one size too small. This can be very challenging as it’s often difficult for women to find a men’s two piece gray suit that is too small for her. 
Believe me, (more…)

My Favorite Movies and TV Shows As Explained by Tattoos

While researching for an essay about my extreme attraction to Gene Wilder as Dr. Frederick Frankenstein in Young Frankenstein, I came across tremendous tattoos of him in various poses of yelling and screaming. This got me Googling tattoos of other films and characters that I adore and I was struck at the extreme dedication of some fans and the impressive talent of so many tattoo artists.

Below are my favorite movies and TV shows as seen by tattoos. Unfortunately, I had to edit my list since 1.) I could not find any tattoos of the movie Secretary or of James Spader. When Googling, “Secretary Tattoo”, one ends up with a page full of aesthetically questionable women in secretary outfits licking a man’s swollen…and 2.) Surprisingly could not find any Spinal Tap tattoos except for a pretty lame Shark Sandwich one and 3.) Also could not find any Kids in the Hall, Newsradio, or Six Feet Under tattoos.

Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure– When I was a little girl, I used to put on white patent leather platforms (more…)