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Oodles and Pickles

It’s not hard for me to ramble on just about anything.
I can tell you in great detail how I improperly wore tampons by shoving them in my cootch only halfway or used to drink myself to sleep by 9PM on Friday nights (not before documenting it on camera). I can wax poetic about all the dudes whose asses I’ve seen and explain how I used to go after men who most likely ate paint chips as a child.

Those things I don’t mind talking about.

However, there is one topic that I rarely discuss. It’s a subject so dear to me, I have difficulty mustering the words to describe how I feel. Even now, I can’t find the words to convey how I can’t find the words about how I feel towards my family. The emotions are just so big that any attempt at description will involve endless adjectives and run on sentences.

Since coming to the conclusion that I will not be making it home this summer for the first time in six years, I’ve been dwelling on the fact that the people I love are getting old. I’m getting old. Time is (more…)

A Brutally Embarrassing Coming-of-Age Story

My mother wanted to keep me in an arrested state of development. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s that most parents don’t want to see their little babies grow up. Or maybe they don’t want us to become familiar with our burgeoning sexuality and have us shame the family by getting knocked up at 15. Maybe they’re just prude. Or asexual. Which might both be the case with my mother (Yo Mom, if you’re reading this, STOP RIGHT NOW!)

At 13 when most girls had freshly shaved appendages and a new found interest in what Victoria’s Secret had to offer, I was still tomboyin’ it with furry legs and a sports bra that may or may not have stunted my breast growth. Mom told me there was no reason to grow up so quickly and like so many stupid stupid children, I believed what my mother told me.

Take for example her neglecting to introduce me to tampons.

For years, when I got my period, I’d walk around with a bulky pad between my legs. The official adult diaper (no, well, I guess that would be Depends, wouldn’t it?). (more…)

Film, Pop Culture

The Kids in the Hall vs. The State

The 90’s was not my favorite decade for personal reasons (nose seemingly disproportionate to the rest of my face, catepillar eyebrows, discovering my sexuality through Elton John circa 1972), HOWEVER, it was my favorite decade for sketch comedy.
Only two troupes stand out in my mind as rulers of 90’s sketch- CBC’s The Kids in the Hall and MTV’s The State.
If you don’t know who either are, you’re a fucking loser.
There, I said it.
Somebody had to.

My roommate brought home the newly released The State DVD boxset tonight and I got myself reaquinted with the show. I watched The State when it was still on MTV, way before I ever discovered what The Kids in the Hall was.

I must have thought I was a pretty fucking awesome twelve year-old.
When I saw The Kids in the Hall “Brain Candy a few years later, I was at first appalled, then turned on. Wild intrigue manifested into manical obsession and I lost a great deal of friends during this time due to my forcing them to reenact “Buddy (more…)

How To Be A 1980’s Awesome Man

Bryan Ferry, Danny Elfman, Robert Palmer, Peter Gabriel, David Byrne.

What do these men all have in common?

I would each have their child and it would be the most beautiful and talented family that was ever created!!!

We’d name our children names like “Radio” and “Soliloquy” and all live on our own island somewhere in the Caribbean. Byrne and Ferry will co-write a song about me titled, “The Girl Standing On the Window Ledge” and duet battle onstage to see who has the best awkward vibrato. At some point it’s decided that I will manage all five of them and try to name the group “The Fer Elf Pal Gab Byr Five”. Egos flair up over who has the sexiest swagger and Elfman takes a defiant dump during the middle of a performance to show who is boss. The band breaks up three shows in, and Gabriel takes all the children to an African music camp. I go into a deep depression that I numb with the help of horse tranquilizers. Ferry and Palmer run off with underaged English models and Byrne turns our Caribbean (more…)

Top Ten Ways We Know We’re Turning Into Our Parents

I am a product of the Baby Boomers born in the Millennium Generation. I often fancy myself as a child still. Full of naivety and wonder.
However, lately, signs are pointing to the opposite.

While discussing the importance of comfortable shoes with my friend yesterday, I looked up at a mirror and saw my mother looking back at me. The same hand gestures, the same facial expressions, the same use of the phrase, “Out. Of. This. World!”- the Mom equivalent of “OMG!”, when describing an item that I like (an item such as brand new SAS loafers).

My mother is a beautiful and strong woman, I’d be so lucky to turn into her, but having overly-animated conversations with her about “The Housewives of Orange County” and taking up her suggestion of including a bowl of Fiber One in my daily diet frightens me a little. What happened to the defiant child that locked herself in her room when a Michael McDonald record came on in the house? Or the girl that used to make fun of her father when he fell asleep in (more…)


SXSW Music- Suzanna Choffel

I’ve never been much for female vocalists or singer-songwriters, but Austin, TX musician Suzanna Choffel has changed all that for me.

A little bit of jazz, a little bit of folk, and a little bit of rock, Suzanna’s music is unlike any other. Her voice is both sad and optimistic. Listening to her puts me in a reflective mood. A sort of Sunday feeling.

Her new song, “Archer”, produced by my co-worker, Danny Reisch, is possibly my favorite songs right now. Check it out at the top of her Myspace page.

Down below is her performance of “Hey Mister” on ME TV.


SXSW Music- Delorean

Checked out this rad band, Delorean, last night. They’re from Spain and freakin’ awesome!
Kind of like a more synth poppy M83.
Shoegazing mixed with some thumping beats.
They also have a kick ass name.
Check out their song, “Deli”, below.

SXSW schedule:

mar 18 2010

mar 18 2010 6:30p
mar 19 2010 11:00p

Aspiring Writers-

Hey Everyone!
Just got back from a AOL/Seed luncheon at SXSW. is a wonderful new program launched through AOL that lists available paid online work for freelance writers and photographers. I was acquainted to Seed through who was utilizing the platform for their SXSW contributor coverage.

This is a terrific and legit program for aspiring writers and photographers and is growing every day! Stop by and take a look!

Here is an example of work I did through Seed/Spinner. I interviewed a wonderful band out of San Francisco called Minipop. They will be playing SXSW at Aces Lounge on Saturday at 10PM. If you like Mazzy Star or dreamy pop/shoegazing, then you’ll dig this band.


Day 1

Today is Day #1 of the music portion of SXSW.

Which means the craziness has begun. 
I’m running off to a luncheon for AOL/Spinner regarding
I’ll tell you more about it later.
I haven’t showered and I still have my eye makeup on from last night.
My Mom would be proud.
It’s so soft and lays perfectly! Love it!
My $2.99 boots from Thrift Town and Opaque pantyhose in Paprika from American Apparel.
See you all later today!