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Wild Sex (In the Working Class)

Right now I’m going through a Danny Elfman phase.

I went through a Danny Elfman “The composer” phase in high school, but now I’m going through a Danny Elfman “The hot front man with eye makeup and high waisted pants with white tank top and suspenders” phase right now.

So I guess you can say I appreciate the full Danny Elfman spectrum now.

Check out the video of “Little Girls” down below. Pedophilia and midgets…what more can you ask for?


I miss (Los Angeles) Pt. 2

Tonight while I Swiftered the hard concrete floor of my place of work, the sort of floor that keeps me awake at night with knee aches, a song came on that instantly put me in my car, driving through Downtown Los Angeles at night, feeling utterly and completely at peace.

Watching dust particles collecting on the end of the stick gives you a lot of time to think, and I began to visualize why I miss L.A. so much. Los Angeles is like my dirty, adventurous whore that likes to have sex in public areas . Austin is my safe husband that likes to sit at home and watch movies. Both have their good and bad points.

When I think of L.A., I get excited. The city leaves me in a perpetual state of blue balls. I can’t get her out of my mind and I finding myself wanting to go back for more. Austin is comfortable. It’s nice and it’s safe…and I don’t mean that in the lackluster sense. Austin is where I can be normal. Lead a normal life, meet someone and settle down, have a creative career, and name my children (more…)


Sorry I Was Only Interested in Hooking Up With You, But Can I Still Take Advantage of Your Discount at Work?


I’m learning to understand and respect other people’s downfalls.

I’ve been working full steam ahead on my novel so I haven’t had much time to write on my blog. This post is just going to be about random stuff.

-In light of the young man that was trampled and killed at Wal-Mart on Black Friday, I highly recommend that everyone see WHAT WOULD JESUS BUY? This movie is about the activist group Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping. Reverend Billy has preached anti-consumerism for years. He and his congregation sing in public areas about shopping locally and boycotting conglomerates like Wal-Mart and Starbucks. America has gotten out of control and our current economic state is the outcome to prove it. What the fuck happened to us? What happened to interacting with your friends and family instead of playing video games and hanging out at the mall? How the hell can someone get trampled to death all because a TV was on sale? Spend this holiday making a gift for your loved ones, believe (more…)


Dad, Please Stop Reading My Blog…

…It’s making me uncomfortable.

Sigh. I knew this day would come.

I really appreciate you taking an interest in reading it, but it’s creeping me out.

I know it’s a good way for you to see into the brain of your daughter, but it unnerves me that you can read all about my dating history and other slightly embarrassing facts that I don’t mind sharing with the world, but mind sharing with you.

You know how you want to keep a golden image of yourself with me? Well, that’s the same way I feel about me to you! I don’t want you knowing that I had an affair with a big Hollywood agent (actually, you already know this) or that I used to drink myself to sleep on Friday nights at 9PM (oh wait, you know this too because I used to call you before passing out). Well, it’s more of that now I feel like I can’t write about certain things. I just picture you sitting there at your comp, thinking, “What’s my wonderful little girl up to today?”, click on my website, see a posting that says something along the lines (more…)


For My Lady Friends…

To remind yourself when you’re dating an idiot and you forget you deserve better. Excuse the font inconsistency.

1. Thou Shall Not Date a Man That Never Calls You.

-Think about it, ladies. If he doesn’t care enough to see how you’re doing, he doesn’t care enough to date you. He’s not too shy, or too busy, or too anything. He’s not interested.

2. Thou Shall Not Date a Man That Only Calls You After 10PM.

-We all know what this means. Hooking up with him on his terms will not make him anymore likely to date you, no matter how much you think it will.

3. Thou Shall Not Date a Man Who Is Unable to Communicate.

-You’re just going to get frustrated and assume a lot. You don’t want to date a caveman, do you?

4. Thou Shall Not Date a Man Who Doesn’t Ask How You Are.

-That’s just rude. Sounds easy enough, but if a guy can’t peek his head out of his ass to ask about your day, then just shove his head back in and walk away.

5. Thou Shall Not Date a Man Who is Emotionally Unavailable.

-You are not (more…)


I miss (Los Angeles).

I miss Los Angeles.

That day, when I watched the lights of Downtown get smaller and smaller in my rear view mirror, I thought I was leaving behind all the coagulated love and hate for the city that I had accumulated inside.

I guess I was wrong.

These past few days, while listening to the music that gave soundtrack to my last year in L.A., I felt the sting in my heart for a love I thought I gave up on.

So, I’ve been thinking about all those nights we drove down the PCH, coked out of our minds, listening to The Cure with the top down and the warm air wrapping around our necks, holding us firmly in our place.

Or the spur of the moment trips to Palm Springs at 3AM, watching you, with your hand out the window, your sunglasses on though it was pitch black in the desert, and thinking there was no greater moment than this.

I remember the limo trips through Hollywood, driving up and down Sunset, rolling into the Whiskey, the Viper Room, the Roxy, and crashing at the Chateau Marmont where a beautiful (more…)


Austin Day 36- It’s Halloween Weekend and All I Got Was My Hand Being Rubbed Against a Stranger’s Crotch

Living in a new city, working in retail, and having zero dollars to buy/create a costume can really take the fun out of Halloween. When most people were out partaking in the fantasy of being someone else for an evening, I was tying to explain to the 90th person that we sold out of gold wristbands and headbands because “everyone and their mother wanted to be fucking Paulie Bleeker for Halloween and you’re a FUCKING IDIOT to think that at 8PM on Halloween night we’d still have them in stock.”

For the first time in my life, I hated Halloween. I wanted the evening to end. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go out and even if I did, I really didn’t know where to go. This holiday meant so much to me and there I was, angry, uncostumed, and stomach empty of candy. I wanted to punch every Sarah Palin or Amy Winehouse that crossed my path (I’d definitely punch one of them even if it weren’t Halloween). To add insult to injury, as I locked up the store, someone shouted from a van, “Fuck you hipster!” (more…)


Austin- Day 29 ("My favorite Italian Restaurant is in Japan and I’ve been to Italy, so I should know Italian food…")

…Said to me by a ten year-old boy today at work.
The statement came from a conversation started about favorite breakfast places in town. I saw the man-child giving advice via cell phone to someone named “Laurent” on where the best place in town to get pancakes is. I hadn’t gaged his level of intelligence appropriately yet, so seeing a small boy in front of me, I asked him in high inflection, “You like pancakes?”

The boy stared at me dead pan and said, “I’m into gourmet cooking.”

That was the point I got a good look at the little monster. He had a Ralph Lauren button down on with the collar turned up. His hair was in that categorizable Hampton Douche-do. He started to go on about how his favorite food is Italian, but his favorite Italian restaurant is in Japan, not Italy. He then made some sort of quip about how they shipped little old grandmothers from Italy and put them in the back kitchen of his favorite Italian restaurant in Japan. I tried to retort with, “Oh, I can just picture them (more…)


Austin -Day 20 (Cheap Gas and "Oh My God! What the F*** Am I Doing?"

Whoa! Did that just say $2.74? I think it did!

I pull my car over and pull out my wallet.

Ok, I have $22 dollars to carry me for the next two weeks. Hm. If you put $12 in the tank, that might take you ’til the end of the week, then you will have $10 leftover for an emergency and a couple of coffee’s at Jo’s.

As I pump my Versa with $12 worth of unleaded gas, I ponder, then grapple with, then finally realize that I actually have only $22 to carry me for the next two weeks. I start laughing out loud, then stop my left hand from throwing the gas nozzle on the ground.

What the fuck did you do?! How could you leave yourself with $22 for two weeks!?

Picking up and moving with little money to begin with is not a good idea. However, when I’ve made up my mind to do something, I gotta do it. So here I find myself in Austin, moneyless, searching for something. I guess I must like to challenge myself! What’s more fun that putting yourself in place you’ve never been before with $22 in your pocket!? Huh? (more…)


Nick & Norah’s Less Than Infinite Movie

(*Note- my brain is OFF this weekend, so please excuse the crappily written review)

I sat in the Alamo Drafthouse on South Lamar anxiously waiting for NICK & NORAH’S INFINITE PLAYLIST to start. I was not a fan of the book but the combo of Michael Cera, New York City, and indie music seemed like a winning movie to me. After discovering earlier that day that I was flat broke, I was in much need of good company and good entertainment.

Before I begin, Alamo Drafthouse is the THE GREATEST PLACE ON THE PLANET. This movie theater reminded me why I love movies in the first place. If you’re not familiar with the small chain, Alamo Drafthouse shows new movies and old. A couple of times a week, the theaters will have either a movie premiere, film festival, sing-a-long, dance-a-long, quote-a-long, or any other cult-like adventure. Wanna see a screening of THERE WILL BE BLOOD on location? Alamo Drafthouse has you covered! Or dress up as your favorite character from Team Zissou? Currently there is (more…)