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chest hair

Austin, Fashion/Design

Winner of the Vinca Jewelry Giveaway, I Wear Chest Hair on My Face For You

Sorry for the delay in announcing the winner of the Vinca mustache jewelry giveaway!

Yesterday I was feeling just too damn lazy to record a video of myself. Yesterday I spent the day watching puppy and kitten videos.

I was kind of feeling lazy today too, so I will warn you that in this video I:

a.) Just got out of bed, therefore have no makeup on to cover up the circles of darkness under my allergy-riddled eyes

b.) Didn’t brush my teeth, but luckily you can’t smell my breath through the video

c.) Wear chest hair on my face

I do not wake up with chest hair on my face. I spirit gummed the living shit out of the chest hair and stuck it to my face. This means I will have glossy glue patches on my chin for the rest of the day, but you’re worth it.

If you’re the winner of the giveaway, please shoot me an email at laurenmodery at gmail dot com!

I wish I could give you all the gift of mustaches, but I will be having more giveaways soon! Also, Vinca’s jewelry is super affordable (more…)

Hipstercrite Life

When Life Gives You Lemons, Glue Chest Hair to Yourself

Due to an unfortunate circumstance that has preoccupied my mind these past few days (oddly it involves a deranged homeless man), I have tremendously challenging writer’s block. Last night I wrote about 100 poorly crafted words in six hours.

In the meantime, while I regain my focus, please enjoy this photo of a typical Sunday afternoon for me.

Actually, this is my Ryan Gosling character in one of our SXSW bumpers. How it looks like Ryan Gosling, I have no idea. Also, I can’t act my way out of a paper bag.

Austin, Music

Freddie Mercury Tribute Night Means I Whip Out The Ol’ Chest Hair

ulovei is throwing a sexy tribute night to the man, Freddie Mercury.

I fell in love with the poster art. Isn’t this beautiful? Let’s just take a moment to digest how atractive this artwork is. DO IT!

If you’re into deceased amazingly flamin’ dudes with mustaches and dressing like them, like I am, then check out this Freddie Mercury tribute night next Wednesday, January 18th at the North Door 501 Brushy Street. No cover. 9PM-2AM

I will never be as pretty as Freddie Mercury, though I try and I try 🙁