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Music, Pop Culture

NYC vs. LA: According to Music, Which City is the Saddest and Loneliest?


While sitting on the can the other day, I thought of Warren Zevon.

I thought of his East LA anthem “Carmelita”, a song where the lead character calmly admits to being “all strung out on heroin on the outskirts of town.” From there I moved onto Zevon’s more personal “Desperadoes Under the Eaves”. In this song also about Los Angeles, Zevon speaks of drinking up all the salty margaritas in the city and having difficulty finding a girl who understands him.  My last Zevon thought came in the form of “The French Inhaler”, a song about a lazy actress and her even lazier boyfriend.”You said you were an actress, yes, I believed you,” Zevon sings. “I thought you’d be a star, so I drank up all the money. Yes, I drank up all the money with these phonies in this Hollywood bar. These friends of mine in this Hollywood bar.”

By the end of my Zevon mental assault, I thought, “Shit, there are so many sad, pathetic, heartbreaking and lonely songs about Los Angeles.” It’s not just Zevon who (more…)


BlogathonATX: Where Austin Bloggers and Entrepreneurs Can Meet & Learn!

The folks over at BlogathonATX graciously asked me to speak at their April 28th event here in Austin. The topic is branding yourself online and creating staying power.

I’m super stoked to not only be a part of BlogathonATX, but to also talk about something I love so much- blogging!

This will be my first speaking engagement regarding blogging and I’m so thrilled/touched that someone thinks I have something interesting to say.

What is BlogathonATX you ask?

An all day event where Austin bloggers, writers, social media peeps and entrepreneurs can meet, greet, write and eat! There will be informative Q+A sessions such as Long-Term Blogging Maintenance by Crystal R.R. Edwards, Blogging for Business by Media Bombshell, WordPress 101 by Jackie Dana and one-on-one feedback sessions on what you can do to improve your blog!

This will be my first year at BlogathonATX. The darn thing is so popular that it sells out before I’m able to buy tickets! I’m most looking forward to meeting (more…)

Fashion/Design, Hipstercrite Life

What I Wore Today: Swag from a Georgian Bookstore

What I Wore Today:
T-shirt: A free t-shirt my boyfriend received from The Bookshelf, a Thomasville, Georgia bookstore. $0
Shorts: Booty shorts from Gap Body, 7 years old, $.50

Notes: I’d like to focus on the clothing designer’s message printed on the back of the t-shirt, “Once upon a time at a small book shop in a small town, I found a book. I read it and loved it. It changed my world and so I passed it on. And before long the world was safe again”. Wow. What a unique piece!

What I’m Doing Today: Staring at people in the grocery store

Mood: Staring at people in the grocery store

Pop Culture, Writing

Old People Love Writing Unintelligible Sentences on Restaurants’ Facebook Walls

My friend, Ryan, sent me a Tumblr page that took the title of best website/meme I read all day yesterday (even beat out “Texts From My Dog“).

This one is called “Old People Writing on Restaurant’s Facebook Page“. This will quite possibly be the best thing you’ll read all day too. It will also make you slightly cringe because deep down you know that your parent or grandparent is capable of embarrassment like this.

The website is an interesting reminder that the majority of Americans can’t spell and have zero grammar and punctuation skills

Check out their site RIGHT NOW!

A few of my faves are:


Hipstercrite Life

When Your Teeth Try to Pull a Tim Robbins at the End of Shawshank Redemption Impression

Currently, I’m teething.

My lower right wisdom tooth is trying its best to do a Tim Robbins at the end of Shawshank Redemption impression. I can imagine that little bugger expects an epic Thomas Newman swell once it finally breaks through the surface, but I’m not going to give it that pleasure, no. You don’t deserve anything other than instant removal from my face, wisdom tooth! You’re just lucky that I can’t afford to do that right now.

Neither can I afford ten cavities filled, a permanent crown put in or extraction of two other wisdom teeth (one is fully exposed, another looks like a drunken missile haphazardly trying to navigate it’s way through my gums and the other never existed at all). This fact often drives me into a depressed state where I begin contemplating how easy or hard it would be to remove the teeth myself. If Tom Hanks can do it with a rock on a remote island, why can’t I?

When I get too worked up about the whole situation, I think about a recent conversation (more…)

Fashion/Design, Hipstercrite Life

What I Wore Today: The Day I Decided To Put On a Bra

What I Wore Today:
Shirt: Annie Henley, Alternative Apparel, White, $20.99 (on sale)
Skirt: Dawson Skirt, Alternative Apparel, Black, $22.39 (on sale)
Boots: Ralph Lauren motorcycle boots, used, Savers, $20
Jewelry: 1970s stainless steel necklace from my mother, seashell earrings I bought in Victoria, British Columbia for $5
Glasses: My taped up, sat on, much loved glasses from American Apparel, dead stock, $55

Notes: Not sure what that ray of sunshine beaming over my head is. My guess is that God was happy I finally put a bra on.

What I’m Doing Today: Finding ways to keep the feral cats from using my garden as their personal giant-sized litter box (I had to get dressed up for this)

Mood: Angry that I can’t find my toenail clippers, dehydrated

Austin, Pop Culture

Tucker Max is a Douchey Douche

Did you hear about this bologna yesterday? According to Gothamist, author, douche bag extraordinaire and fellow Austinite (blech!), Tucker Max, had a hissy fit because Planned Parenthood wouldn’t take $500,000 from him. In fact, he had such a fit that he got his friend/media spinner, 25 year-old (!) Ryan Holiday, to slam Planned Parenthood on Forbes. In short, Holiday told Tucker that in order to ease his high tax burden, it would look good if he donated to Planned Parenthood (an organization that Tucker has made fun of on Twitter before). He even suggested that PP would maybe even “name a clinic after him”. Can you imagine stepping foot into a clinic named after a dude who uses women and generally doesn’t give a shit about anyone other than himself?

I posted the Austinist version of this article on my social media profiles and got a wide range of responses from friends and strangers. Everyone agreed that Tucker is the reigning king of douchism, but some  said, “money is money” and (more…)

Hipstercrite Life, Pop Culture

Bullying: Why Trend Causes Are Important

Vinnie says you’ve been hiding the goods on us, Paulie.

Over the past two years, bullying has been a trendy act to rally against. Causes that catch fire where people discuss like it never existed before then (Kony 2012 anyone?) are kind of cringe-worthy, but the silver lining is that people have finally become aware of/woken up to a cause and care about it. When I find myself rolling my eyes over a tweet, Facebook status or blog post addressing this trendy cause, I just remind myself that it is a good thing that people give a crap (but like most trends, will they forget about the cause next week?)

Bullying seems to be a cause who’s trend has lasted for awhile now. I think bullying was not something people talked about before because they felt it was a “rite of passage” and just a part of human nature. Teens have been killing themselves (or others) for years, but with the current strength of social media and information sharing, their deaths are becoming more widely reported and empathized.

Though (more…)

Film, Pop Culture

Come Back, Rick Moranis! (and Deborah Foreman, Phoebe Cates and Tim Curry)

My little nugget

Do you ever find yourself catching an old flick and wondering, “Oh man, where did that actor disappear to?” Then you scramble to Wikipedia only to find out that they died of bone cancer in 1978 and you become completely despondent for the rest of the evening (John Cazale anyone?)

Sometimes actors or actresses don’t have as sad of a fate as Cazale, but they simply stop acting or fizzle out. Sometimes we miss them. The guys and gals listed below don’t need to make a “comeback.” A comeback makes it sound like they fell out of favor with society and they’ve been thrust into the naughty corner until society says they can come out — no, they simply need to come back. Come back into our lives and make us whole again.

Here are a list of actor and actresses I liked to see put back on first billing:

Rick Moranis

I could write an entire post about The Moranis, or as I like to call him, “My Little Nugget”….



Rachel Roy SXSW Street Style

During SXSW I was invited to partake in a Rachel Roy photo shoot with other creatives in Austin. I was slightly familiar with the brand, but by the end of the shoot, I fell in love! Roy’s clothing is not only unique, colorful and beautiful, but super comfy too! I got to meet so many wonderful ladies and gentlemen from NYC, Austin and Houston and made some terrific new friends!

Below is the SXSW Street Style shoot we did. We also shot a fun summer collection pictorial that should be available through the mailing list soon at!

In my photo, I joked about doing the classic Lookbook stance of pigeon-toeing yourself. Looks like they chose that photo! Maybe there is something to the pigeon toe stance after all!

I’m wearing the Angel Dress $129. Femme, charming and has pockets to boot! I also got to include my Great Aunt Stella’s 90 year-old locket in my outfit.