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Teach Me to Love Location-Based Social Networking, Please


Being on the computer for more hours than I am not in a day, I’d like to think…whoa, wait. Is that true? Am I really on the computer more hours than I am not? Holy shit. Wow, I need to assess this… but not right now. I’m not sure if you want to see me having an awkward lecture with myself right now. I notice that when I do such things in public, it makes people uncomfortable.

So, being on the computer an ass ton, I’d like to think that I’m pretty Internet savvy. I tweet the living shit out of everything and turned into one of those assholes who has over 1000 friends on Facebook for no reason. I kind of use LinkedIn, I enjoyed StumbleUpon for about 5 minutes, and I’d like to start a Kickstarter page to fund production on my screenplay about a family of Jewish chimpanzees who start a yoga studio in Minneapolis.

However, there is one social media platform that I just haven’t warmed up to and that is location-based social networking.

What’s the big dealio, (more…)