I’m going to try something new today. This was an idea I planned for the blog redesign but never got around to doing it until Randall at The Mojo Wire reminded me. Thanks, Randall!
Now that I’m a freelance writer and social media manager, I spend a lot of time reading and sharing on the internet. I come across a lot of cool stuff and I guess sharing them on Facebook and Twitter are not enough- I FEEL THE NEED TO SHARE THEM ON MY BLOG TOO!
I’ve always enjoyed Flavorwire’s daily roundup, so I thought I’d give it a try.
Please let me know your thoughts. Do you like? Not like? Should I do daily or once a week or never?
–Texts from Bennett was the hot commodity trending on Facebook today. Text messages from a 17 year-old white kid who thinks he’s a Crip never was so funny. Do you guys think it’s real?
-Do you go by the title ‘Happiness Advocate‘? What about ‘Social Media Trailblazer‘? ‘Head Cheese‘? Or how about ‘Douchebag‘? Brazen Careerist talks about the trend of cutesy (more…)