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L’esprit nail polish


Best Nail Polish in the World is by American Apparel

I’ve never been a girly girl.

I don’t wear pink, I’ve never gotten a manicure or pedicure, I’ve never envisioned what my wedding dress will look like and I haven’t brushed my hair regularly in three years (note- this doesn’t mean my hair is dirty, I do indeed wash my hair).

However, I love the living crap out of Sephora, I could watch every Ryan Gosling movie ever made and I do enjoy some red lipstick and smokey eyes once in awhile.

But, most of the time I like sitting in yoga pants, tank top and watching my butt grow larger and larger the longer I work from home.

If I ever need a quick reminder that there is a woman somewhere beneath the unsexiness, I whip out my American Apparel nail polish.

American Apparel’s nail polish is quite possibly the best out there. It’s non-toxic, comes in a slew of unique colors and lasts for weeks. Weeks, I tell you!

Slap a clear top coat on your nails and you’re set for the long haul. Screw OPI or all the expensive salon junk.

I (more…)